Byzantine house
The project of the building on Granatny pereulok looks like a resumption of Sergey Tchoban’s graphic-ornamental searches started in St. Petersburg. Being grafted in Moscow the themes undergoes a number of changes, puts on stone and brings to life Byzantine memories which get an absolutely new interpretation here.
  • March 5, 2008
  • Julia Tarabarina
Avant-garde construction
The contest project of area in Budva in first variant resembles fancies of Russian avant-garde architects of 1920’s: tribunes and mausoleums. The second variant is more fantastic and modern – but both of them have a common feature: they are penetrated with grating of the construction, and this makes the buildings transparent, penetrable and quite theatrical.
Architectural workshop Lyzlov («AML»)
  • March 3, 2008
  • Julia Tarabarina
Business-park as a wall
This business park concept for Ufa is like an element of some huge compound wall, that includes various volumes united with a long atrium.
iCube Architectura
  • February 28, 2008
  • Natalia Koriakovskaia Julia Tarabarina
To build a town-garden is a classical dream of any architect. It is well-known that this theme was favorite in 1920’s among avant-garde masters – just remember Mayakovsky lyrics. Yuri Vissarionov presented his own vision of this dream in the town-planning concept of Zarechie territory.
Architectural bureau of Yuri Vissarionov
  • February 21, 2008
  • Natalia Koriakovskaia Julia Tarabarina
“Rafinad”: utopia in miniature
Construction of the building that its authors – the architects from Nikolay Lyzlov’s studio – called “Rafinad” has been finished on Stromynka. By present day standards this is a very small building, designed in a rare genre of architectural miniature that is not very popular in modern Moscow.
Architectural workshop Lyzlov («AML»)
  • February 14, 2008
  • Julia Tarabarina
Turn of expansion. Moscow Biennale will teach life
On the 7th of February, at the press conference, held in the Central House of Artists, it was officially announced about the first Moscow Architecture Biennale focused on mass housing projects
  • February 8, 2008
  • Irina Filchenkova Julia Tarabarina
Business-park “Baltia”
The studio “Aleksandrov and partners” designed project of an elite business-park with A and A+ class offices, which will be 11 km from “Baltia” route, nearby Rublevskoe highway. The project, considering high level of comfort, plans an incompact development with wide greenery zone and cascade of lakes. The required number of square meters will be gained due to setting the two high dominants– 21 and 25storey towers – into small-buildings composition.
Alexandrov and partners
  • February 5, 2008
  • Natalia Koriakovskaia Julia Tarabarina
From monumentality to media
In the place of the existing Cheremushkinsy market there will be a modern retail and entertainment complex with a rounded building above with offices and hotel, and a panoramic restaurant on the upper level. The hotel’s façade will be turned into a huge screen that consists of led-lights.
ASADOV architects
  • January 29, 2008
  • Elena Petukhova
Digital mountain scenery
The resort area of Yalta is the place where gorgeous nature and rich cultural context create an inviting atmosphere for any kind of art. Full of historical allusions and many times praised in literature, it remains to be a honey pie for architects. Yuri Vissarionov got into the spirit of resort romantic mood and filled with this flavor the elite residential complex project in Yalta
Architectural bureau of Yuri Vissarionov
  • January 28, 2008
  • Natalia Koriakovskaia
The office-building project on Nametkin street combines a plain rectangular volume with the remarkable idea of “collection” of different office facades fragments, gathered in the architecture of a single building like in a “museum”.
iCube Architectura
  • January 22, 2008
  • Natalia Koriakovskaia Julia Tarabarina
The old and the new
Business centre project Forum-Plaza is the solution that balances on the edge between conservative and absolutely modern approach to architecture. However, it is soft, keen and considered enough to become one of the examples of harmonious match of both
  • January 17, 2008
  • Julia Tarabarina
Avant-garde dominant
The construction of the “VDNH” [Exhibition of Economic Achievements] tower was finished last year. The 35-storeyed dominant, which architecture is complying with the spirit and the letter of Russian rationalism, is a remarkable mark in the panorama of the north part of Moscow, at the same time it does not suppress the closest surrounding.
Bavykin architects
  • January 8, 2008
  • Julia Tarabarina
The Bank on Brestskaya street
In one of the most “architectural” Moscow streets, the 2d Brestskaya, a little further from the crossing with Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, the facing of new building bank, designed by Pavel Andreev, is almost finished.
Paul Andreev
  • December 29, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Ice stalagmite
One of the peculiarities of the modern Russian architecture is the so-called investment construction. A client finances construction of a cultural object – a theatre, concert hall or school, and in return he is allowed to add to - as they say ‘practical for the city’ - something profitable, like shops or office centers. As a rule, spaces of the commercial part, growing around ‘cultural’ core, are larger and that is a challenge for the architects how to arrange appropriately the complex of such different, even conflicting, buildings.
iCube Architectura
  • December 28, 2007
  • Natalia Koriakovskaia Julia Tarabarina
City over tunnel
On the 7th of November the mayor of Moscow approved one of the largest and most innovative projects for the past time – the project of the multi-use complex right over the Kiev direction of Moscow Rail Road. Specialists of different Project and Research Moscow Institutes were engaged into the work because the project was large and it was urge to solve a great number of technical issues. The team of architects under the guidance of Aleksandr Asadov was engaged into developing of the volume-space issue of the project.
ASADOV architects
  • December 21, 2007
Due to unique construction of façade that changes its color, and to transparent consoles-“shopwindows” extended from body of the building, the new car dealer centre, ADM studio’s project, may become a significant object among modern buildings that have appeared behind Moscow Ring Road for the past years.
  • December 19, 2007
  • Natalia Koriakovskaia Julia Tarabarina
The layout of new project by Panakom closely resembles corals from the last Gucci collection. The architects turned the house into an alien settlement - separate clusters are joined by the rounded hall with a “companion cabin” and “power block” in the middle, each “box” has a way out.
  • December 18, 2007
  • Maria Fadeeva
Metamorphosis of the tower
Residential house-tower by Pavel Andreev’s studio is carefully fitted into its architectural surrounding – however, it appears to be an impressive picture about ‘context and modernity’, showing to anyone interested a theatrical scene of turning ‘strict’ modernism into ‘contextual’
Paul Andreev
  • December 10, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Park in the memory of church
This project by Pavel Andreev for Ostozhenka district is unlike everything that we are used to see here, may be the reason is that one of the client’s is Zachatevsky Monastery. The project includes restoration of palaty Kireevskogo, construction of a new small memorial park in the place of Voskresenija Novogo church that was blown up in 1930’s, main part of which will be ruins of the church foundation. It will be excavated and treated for preservation
Paul Andreev
  • October 30, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Bastion of 21th century
Project “The Green Bastion” got the 2d award at the open contest on an architectural idea of Konstantinovsky congress-hall in Strelnya. Its peculiarity is that trying delicately fit it into the surrounding, the architects joint the two approaches – historical and economical.
Alexandrov and partners
  • October 26, 2007
  • Anna Gerasimenko Julia Tarabarina
Accord and fight
Architecture of the largest of Red Rose’s new buildings is a sculptural etude on interplay of the old and the new. They live in peace, but in some parts the façade turns into a battle scene
Sergey Kisselev & Partners
  • October 25, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
The Red rose
Reconstruction of the ‘Red rose’ is probably the most well-known reconstruction project of old factories. Started in 2003 it will be finished in 2012. There have been many argues and some have been very enthusiastic about it. We tried to digest the information, to see what will be saved and what regenerated, and what will be absolutely new there
Sergey Kisselev & Partners
  • October 16, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Building with the hinge
Last year project of the multi-use complex in the beginning of the Entuziastov highway got the gold diploma at ‘Zodchestvo’ – maybe for bright and neat image, also for keenness of the town-planning idea. The house that will be right behind Radonezhskaya Zastava resembles a part of a huge machine - a representative of the industrial part of Moscow
Paul Andreev
  • October 11, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
An Alternative Project
On Monday, 1 October 2007 the Societies of Architecture of Moscow and Russia respectively presented an alternative town-planning concept ‘Sochi-2014’ that in opinion of its authors is supposed to correct the mistakes made by the project that had been accepted by the IOC.
  • October 3, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
The architects from the ‘PANAKOM’ keep on creating residential building projects for the third order territory of Nikolskaya Sloboda village. This is the fifth project. Again, they deal with the site that boarders with the public zone of the pond. Some previous ideas have been applied here, but some new ones used also, making it original. The authors consider this architecture to be biomorphic.
  • October 2, 2007
  • Maria Fadeeva
Mannerism through modernism
Two buildings set projected by Nikolay Lyzlov for Pirogovo combines purity of forms with their sophisticated interpretation. The resulting complex image is submerged into its natural environment and at the same time re-shaped it.
Architectural workshop Lyzlov («AML»)
  • September 17, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Gene code for a district, or poetic town-planning
A ‘design-code’ produced by Sergey Skuratov’s workshop for the 473 district in Khamovniki presents a new variant of Moscow town-planning. It is more than just a plan or a list of recommendations, it gives a detailed image of the district in project. It is interesting to note that here the architect is concerned not just with volume and texture but with ‘psychological problems’ of the locality, and tries to bring a new soul into it.
Sergey Skuratov architects
  • September 10, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Magnetic house
Illusive simplicity that has plenty of nuances, details, gives certain attractiveness and charm to the house.
  • September 3, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Flying fish
Initially this villa was designed for the contest ‘House of the Future’. The project didn’t take part in it though, but found its customer. It was redesigned and built in the hills of Turkey.
Architectural bureau of Yuri Vissarionov
  • August 31, 2007
  • Irina Filchenkova Julia Tarabarina
Creating lounge atmoshere
Large, 1500 m2, the house designed by architectural company PANAKOM for in Nikolsakaya Sloboda is the huge, but light and elegant variant of a country house in lounge-style. The authors of the project are playing a series of stylish miniatures of country life
  • August 28, 2007
  • Maria Fadeeva
A constructional couple
A two buildings set in Truzhenikov lane promises to become a highlight of the mixed blocks that had been constructed on the bank vault of the Moscow river at various periods. The buildings allude to the theme of male and female principles; some of their inhabitants would also be provided with breathtaking views of the city
Alexandrov and partners
  • August 13, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Shopping arcade
For the first time popular in western retail architecture method was applied in Moscow – shopping arcade, like a ring rounds the inner yard. Due to this, all shops are equally advantageous, not a single one is in a remote corner. And it is almost impossible to get lost there
ABD architects
  • August 2, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
White and fluffy
The new building of Arbitration Court in Selesnevskaya street presents a number of experiments with ‘pure’ form. But the most important experiment here is a new plastic image of justice – pure, transparent and rational.
Creative Union ‘Reserve’
  • July 30, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Astronomic subtlety, or in search of stars
The list of 25 Russian and foreign architects who would present their projects of Perm art Galley competition has been published. There had been two main criteria – symbolic project, as well as new names. The competition should give a city a architectural attraction as well as find a new ‘star’. Six Russian architects have been selected to take part in the competition.
  • July 25, 2007
  • Irina Filchenkova
"Nikolskaya sloboda" by PANAKOM
by Maria Fadeeva Exclusive architecture is a significant trend, affecting the real-estate appeal, consequently, demand and prices. Very likely, this was the main reason for the client of architectural bureau PANAKOM to commission the architects to design the three houses on the bank of the ornamental pond in the Nikolskay Sloboda which they are selling. The lots are being sold without a contract, so in the result, among huge palaces and log constructions, there can be found houses, designed by architects of different famous Moscow studios.
  • July 17, 2007
  • Maria Fadeeva
Sochi, the Olympics, a Hotel
On June 5th the International Olympic Committee (IOC) elected Sochi as the 2014 host of the Winter Olympics which means the further growth of the construction boom in this seaside region. One of the projects to be implemented by the time of the Olympics involves the reconstruction of two Soviet-period hotels – that of ‘Camelia’ (1970s) and the ‘Intourist’ built in Stalin classicist style
Architectural bureau of Yuri Vissarionov
  • July 11, 2007
  • Tatiana Timofeeva
Confrontation at Donskoy
The concept was offered for the architectural competition for the best project of building up the area of ‘Krasny proletariy’ factory; its plan view reminds of a map of military operations between ‘modernism’ and ‘historicism’. It is noteworthy that 300 years ago at the same place the army led by Boris Godunov confronted forces of Gazy Geray. The concept is new for Moscow since it separates private and public spaces by placing them on different levels and forms more comfortable type of urban space.
Sergey Skuratov architects
  • June 25, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Rational approach
It has already become a custom to say that the apartment block at Savvynskakya embankment is well-built but is far from exceptional from architectural point of view. It could be suggested however that the building has something of absolute quality – it represents an attempt to reach perfect rationalism by combining functionalism in construction and mathematical finesse of its facades.
Sergey Kisselev & Partners
  • June 20, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
‘Achipse’ health centre
In its new project the ‘Panacom’ workshop aimed at combining luxury with simplicity while creating a laconic image of ‘residential cell’
  • June 17, 2007
  • Maria Fadeeva
An apartment building in Spasonalivkovsky lane
The reconstruction of an apartment building (18/1 Spasonalivkovsky lane ) has recently been finished. The project got a Bronze Award at ‘Zodchestvo’ 2003
Alexandrov and partners
  • June 13, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Snake-like slope
by Julia Tarabarina Freestyle is an indoor ski slope, combined with aqua-park, apartments, shops, and so on. It has the shape of a snake and encloses the slope with snow in any season. The peculiarity of the project is that the modern nonlinearity of its plasticity is not an extravagance, but solution to the problem of practical importance.
ABD architects
  • May 30, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Villa Calypso
“Villa Calypso” made by Ilya Utkin for ‘Pirogovo collection” is a rare contemporary architectural project with literary connotations. It could be understood as quintessence of the authros’ attepts at creating his own architectural language suitable for large villas-palaces.
  • May 28, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Strelka, Nizhny Novgorod
The project of changing the nizhegorodskayia Strelka from the loading port into a modern multi-purpose complex, which brings together the soft touch to the heritage and bold architecture, even a try to comprehend the place’s history, is theatrically building up the new urban area, surrounding the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.
Architectural bureau of Yuri Vissarionov
  • May 25, 2007
  • Irina Filchenkova Julia Tarabarina
The true Russian avant-gardist
by Julia Tarabarina The Museum of Architecture is currently staging a solo exhibition of the architect Alexey Bavykin.
  • May 15, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
This building welcomes trains. Its place – to the left from the railways at the Kyrskaya station, is currently occupied by a compressors’ plant that is to be removed from downtown in order to give way to office- and shopping centre
  • April 11, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina
Mountains, sea and classical architecture
The reconstruction of one known Sochi sanatoria "Camelias" - "Intourist" assumes the neighborhood of the new construction and the center of Stalin classicism around of a kept building 1930-40 years of the last century.
Architectural bureau of Yuri Vissarionov
  • April 4, 2007
  • Julia Tarabarina