Alexander Asadov Alexander Asadov
ASADOV architects

ASADOV architects

Creative manager of the studio

Alexander Asadov


Born in 1951, Khabarovsk
Graduated from MARHI in 1975
1975-1987 – worked for different project companies, Moscow
1989 – found Personal creative studio under Architect Union of Russia
Since 1995, has been the head of Studio-19 of “Mosproekt-2”
Corresponding member of International Architecture Academy
Councilor of Russian Architecture Academy and Construction sciences

1997 and 2004 – award winner of “Premii Moskvy” [Moscow Awards]
2000 and 2003 – award winner of Gold Medal of Russian Architecture Academy and Construction sciences
1999, 2001 and 2003 – award winner of “Zolotoe Sechenie” [Golden Ratio]

Participation in exhibitions:
1993, Chicago – “Moskovski arhitekturny avangard” [Moscow Architecture Avant-garde]
1995, Berlin – “Stroiploschadka-Moskva” [Construction site-Moscow]
1998 – personal exhibition in Moscow Union of Architects
2000, London – “Vremya peremen” [Time for changes]
196-2007 – participation in all-union architectural shows, as well as “Zolotoe Sechenie” [Golden Ratio]”, “Zodchestvo” [Art of building], “Moscow – shag v buduschee” [Moscow – a step into future]

Creative credo: A fine project can be introduced in a single line.

“Asadov’s architecture is complex, tense, rebellious, not without reason ten years ago he was made “our chief deconstructivist”. It was very Russian deconstructivism – soft, lyrical, romantic. Everything was being destroyed anyway, so a few broken planes over an old building were enough to make the metaphor clear. Those were the buildups and constructions that brought to Asadov great fame, and the greatest work of Moscow architecture of 1990’s is the office building on Nizhny Krasnoselsky.
Asadov went further then and started designing curved, glass and iron truly futuristic objects, adding up to his informal regalias another one – “hi-tech pioneer”. But few of them were constructed (bridges over Moscow Ring Road, control cabin over the Third Ring), and recently built MERCEDES centre on Vologodsky prospect is an absolute clear European hi-tech without particular deconstructions. Today Asadov is the head of the huge studio in “Mosproekt”, is managing about 50 large objects, as to constructing – a few large objects in Moscow and outside… (from article “Mister DeConstructor”, “Shtab-kvartira”, November, 2004)

Buildings and Projects:

Buildings and Projects Shown: 10
Rank all Buildings and Projects / Alexander Asadov (59): Texts:


Alyona Kuznetsova. Water and Wind Whet the Stone

The Arisha Terraces residential complex, designed by Asadov Architects, will be built in a district of Dubai dedicated to film and television production. To create shaded spaces and an intriguing silhouette, the architects opted for a funnel-shaped composition and nature-inspired forms of erosion and weathering. The roofs, podium, and underground spaces extend leisure opportunities within the boundaries of a man-made “oasis”.

Elena Petukhova. One Step Closer To the Dream

The challenges of getting all the mandatory approvals, an insufficient budget, and construction site difficulties did not prevent ASADOV Bureau from achieving its main goal in the realization of the school project in the town of Troitsk – taking another step away from outdated notions of educational spaces toward creating a fundamentally new academic environment.

Alyona Kuznetsova. From Arcs to Dolmens

While working on the competition project for Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, ASADOV Architects prioritized the value of the natural and urban environment, aiming to preserve the balance of the location while minimizing the resemblance of the volume that they designed to a “traditional building”. The task was challenging, and the architects created three versions, one of which having been developed after the competition, where their main proposal took third place. However, the point of interest here is not the competition result but the continuity of creative thinking.

Julia Tarabarina. The Mirror of Your Soul

We continue to publish projects from the competition for the design of the Russian Pavilion at EXPO in Osaka 2025. We are reminding you that the results of the competition have not been announced, and hardly will ever be. The pavilion designed by ASADOV Architects combines a forest log cabin, the image of a hyper transition, and sculptures made of glowing threads – it focuses primarily on the scenography of the exhibition, which the pavilion builds sequentially like a string of impressions, dedicating it to the paradoxes of the Russian soul.

Alyona Kuznetsova. The Fortress by the River

ASADOV Architects have developed a concept for a new residential district in the center of Kemerovo. To combat the harsh climate and monotonous everyday life, the architects proposed a block type of development with dominant towers, good insolation, facades detailed at eye level, and event programming.
see All Texts / Alexander Asadov

Partner Architects of

  • Natalia Shilova
  • Natalia Sidorova
  • Nikolay Pereslegin
  • Rostislav Zaiser
  • Ilia Mashkov
  • Daniel  Lorenz
  • Alexandra Kuzmina
  • Yuri Vissarionov
  • Andrey Asadov
  • Julia  Tryaskina
  • Vsevolod Medvedev
  • Zurab Bassaria
  • Stanislav Belykh
  • Polina Voevodina
  • Alexandr Samarin
  • Sergey Kouznetsov
  • Vladimir Plotkin
  • Ekaterina Kuznetsova
  • Andrey Romanov
  • Yuliy Borisov
  • Sergei Tchoban
  • Igor  Shvartsman
  •  Valery  Lukomsky
  • Oleg Medinsky
  • Anton Nadtochiy
  • Nikita Yavein
  • Konstantin Khodnev
  • Andy Snow
  • Vassily Krapivin
  • Sergey Skuratov
  • Sergey Pereslegin
  • Alexander Skokan
  • Sergey  Trukhanov
  • Mikhail Kanunnikov
  • Vera Butko
  • Roman Leonidov
  • Pavel Andreev
  • Tatiana Zulkharneeva
  • Georgy Trofimov
  • Alexsey Ginzburg
  • Alexander Asadov
  • Rais Baishev
  • Andrey Gnezdilov

Buildings and Projects: New Additions

  • Naberezhnaya Evropy, St. Petersburg
  • Pavilion for Chacha Ceremonies
  • “Replacement” Project
  • Residential complex
  • “Olympic Hall”Business Center
  • Residential complex
  • Residential complex ′Andersen′
  • Sports and residential complex “Olympic village Novogorsk”
  • The checkpoint and operation service building of “Novogorsk Olympic Village”