Dmitry Likin Dmitry Likin

Dmitry Likin


Buildings and Projects:

Buildings and Projects Shown: 1 Texts:


Julia Tarabarina. The Black Mountain

The project of reconstructing the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet theater developed by Wowhaus, which won the competition, proposed a total demolition and new construction, as well as considerable expansion (up to 8 floors) – and transformable multifunctional spaces. The new project, however, does retain the recognizable elements and the image of the old theater. As for the main spectator hall, it is turned – figuratively speaking, of course – into a semblance of a black volcano.

Julia Tarabarina, Nina Frolova. We work remotely: Moscow architects about working from home during the pandemic

In this article, we are speaking to the leaders of a few Moscow architectural companies about their plans for remote work caused by the #COVID19 pandemic.

Elena Petukhova. ​The Social Biology of Landscape

The list of new typologies of public spaces and public projects has been expanded yet again — thanks to Wowhaus. This time around, this company came up with a groundbreaking by Russian standards approach to creating a place where people and animals can communicate.

Julia Tarabarina. ​Civitas ludens*

Tula, the city of rugged gunsmiths, got a new embankment – a relaxed space of a postindustrial type. It promptly reacts to all the difficulties presented by the context, treating them nicely and easily, more like a game than a tough challenge. The city center came alive with colors, interesting space solutions, and a multitude of possible behavioral scenarios. There are also lots of unusual and exciting kinds of entertainment for kids as well.

Anna Agaphonova. ​Embroidery on Context

What is the Moscow Monorail metro line – a means of transportation or just an amusement ride? Keeping it in working order is detrimental to the city budget, and generally it is like a suitcase without a handle. The Wowhaus interns worked on the project of turning the Monorail into a “Monogarden”, a giant (5 square kilometers) urban tourist attraction that picks up on both local and city scenarios in terms of function and imagery as well.
see All Texts / Dmitry Likin

Partner Architects of

  • Natalia Shilova
  • Sergei Tchoban
  • Sergey Skuratov
  • Sergey Oreshkin
  • Vassily Krapivin
  • Andy Snow
  • Rais Baishev
  • Konstantin Khodnev
  • Yuliy Borisov
  • Daniel  Lorenz
  • Igor  Shvartsman
  • Nikolai  Milovidov
  • Yuri Vissarionov
  • Vsevolod Medvedev
  • Sergey  Trukhanov
  • Nikita Yavein
  • Sergey Kouznetsov
  •  Valery  Lukomsky
  • Alexandra Kuzmina
  • Andrey Asadov
  • Alexandr Samarin
  • Ilia Mashkov
  • Vladimir Kovalev
  • Rostislav Zaiser
  • Natalia Sidorova
  • Anton Nadtochiy
  • Alexander Skokan
  • Pavel Andreev
  • Valeria Preobrazhenskaya
  • Tatiana Zulkharneeva
  • Ilya Utkin
  • Levon Ayrapetov
  • Andrey Gnezdilov
  • Mikhail Kanunnikov
  • Andrey Romanov
  • Alexander Asadov
  • Vera Butko
  • Julia  Tryaskina
  • Zurab Bassaria
  • Stanislav Belykh
  • Polina Voevodina
  • Vladimir Plotkin
  • Oleg Medinsky
  • Ekaterina Kuznetsova
  • Alexsey Ginzburg
  • Anatoly Stolyarchuk
  • Roman Leonidov

Buildings and Projects: New Additions

  • Naberezhnaya Evropy, St. Petersburg
  • Pavilion for Chacha Ceremonies
  • «Danilovskaya Manufactory»
  • “Replacement” Project
  • Residential complex
  • “Olympic Hall”Business Center
  • Residential complex
  • Residential complex ′Andersen′
  • Sports and residential complex “Olympic village Novogorsk”