Igor  Shvartsman Igor Shvartsman
Sergey Kisselev & Partners

Sergey Kisselev & Partners

C.E.O of “Sergey Kisselev and Partners”

Igor Shvartsman


Igor Shvartsman was born in Moscow in 1962.
1980 – 1985 – studied in the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering named after Valerian Kuybyshev
1985 – 1989 – worked in the State Research and Planning Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR as engineer/designer on the graduate appointment program.
1987 – concurrently to working in State Research and Planning Institute, Igor worked part time in “Contour” Company, since 1989 – full time.
1991 – cofounder, partner, director, and chief designer of the architectural firm “Sergey Kisselev and Partners”

Laureate of the review competition of Moscow architecture 1995 – 2001
Laureate of the “Golden Section” review competition 1997 – 2007
Laureate of the Moscow Government Competition for the best restoration, reconstruction, and recreation of monuments of architecture 1999 – 2001
Laureate of the architectural festival “Zodchestvo-2007”
Laureate of the second National Award in the field of architecture and development 2007
Laureate of the architectural festival “Zodchestvo-2010”
Laureate of Vladimir Tatlin Prize 2010

Buildings and Projects:

Buildings and Projects Shown: 10
Rank all Buildings and Projects / Igor Shvartsman (29):

Archi.ru Texts:


Julia Tarabarina. ​The Towers of “Sputnik”

Six towers, which make up a large housing complex standing on the bank of the Moskva River at the very start of the Novorizhskoe Highway, provide the answers to a whole number of marketing requirements and meets a whole number of restrictions, offering a simple rhythm and a laconic formula for the houses that the developer preferred to see as “flashy”.

Julia Tarabarina. ​A Comfortable City in Itself

The project that we are about to cover is seemingly impossible amidst human anthills, chaotically interspersed with old semi-neglected dachas. Meanwhile, the housing complex built on the Comcity business part does offer a comfortable environment of decent city: not excessively high-rise and moderately private as a version of the perfect modern urbanist solution.

Julia Tarabarina. ​The Pleated House

Designed by Aleksey Medvedev, the apartment complex on the Franko Street takes on the role of an urban planning highlight without going beyond the limits of a reserved minimalist form. One of its peculiar features is a staircase with a zigzagged ramp, still a rare sight in Moscow.

Julia Tarabarina. ​Low-rise City Blocks in the Orenburg Plains

Prepared by Sergey Kiselev and Partners, the concept of developing a 150-hectare chunk of land at the outskirts of Orenburg has at least two major string points: the presence of a fair number of what usually is considered to be the components of a comfortable city and the absence of any overly “marketing” techniques – in other words, the project is realistic to the bone.

Julia Tarabarina. Continuing What Was Once Started

The project of an office-and-hotel complex located on the first kilometer of the Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway develops their old ideas and responds to the architecture of the buildings that “Sergey Kisselev and Partners” had built earlier in this area.
see All Archi.ru Texts / Igor Shvartsman

Partner Architects of Archi.ru:

  • Natalia Shilova
  • Pavel Andreev
  • Vassily Krapivin
  • Andy Snow
  • Vera Butko
  • Alexandra Kuzmina
  • Alexander Skokan
  • Georgy Trofimov
  • Zurab Bassaria
  • Anton Nadtochiy
  • Ekaterina Kuznetsova
  • Andrey Romanov
  • Alexsey Ginzburg
  • Andrey Gnezdilov
  • Nikita Yavein
  • Sergey Kouznetsov
  • Daniel  Lorenz
  • Tatiana Zulkharneeva
  • Alexandr Samarin
  • Oleg Medinsky
  • Rais Baishev
  • Mikhail Kanunnikov
  • Alexander Asadov
  • Yuri Vissarionov
  • Julia  Tryaskina
  • Vladimir Plotkin
  • Vsevolod Medvedev
  • Roman Leonidov
  • Konstantin Khodnev
  • Ilia Mashkov
  •  Valery  Lukomsky
  • Sergey Pereslegin
  • Sergey Skuratov
  • Rostislav Zaiser
  • Sergei Tchoban
  • Polina Voevodina
  • Nikolay Pereslegin
  • Yuliy Borisov
  • Natalia Sidorova
  • Stanislav Belykh
  • Sergey  Trukhanov
  • Igor  Shvartsman
  • Andrey Asadov

Buildings and Projects: New Additions

  • Naberezhnaya Evropy, St. Petersburg
  • Pavilion for Chacha Ceremonies
  • “Replacement” Project
  • Residential complex
  • “Olympic Hall”Business Center
  • Residential complex
  • Residential complex ′Andersen′
  • Sports and residential complex “Olympic village Novogorsk”
  • The checkpoint and operation service building of “Novogorsk Olympic Village”