Contemplation at an Urban Farm
From an architectural point of view, the “Urban Farm” at VDNKh – an entertainment and educational project meant for familiarizing children with farm animals – does not only combine the best practices of WOWhaus bureau, but also “vaccinates” the VDNKh with a light version of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition.
  • Julia Tarabarina
  • September 14, 2015
The warm waves of the Black Sea, the mountain slopes, the mysterious Crimean grottos, and a swallow perched between two runways - all this is Simferopol International Airport in the contest project by Asadov Bureau.
  • September 15, 2015
  • Alla Pavlikova
Man of Letters
The construction of "Literator" ("Man of Letters") residential complex has been completed: the architects made it ostentatiously modern, abandoning, among other things, the idea of the grand façade in favor of revisiting the immanent peculiarities of red and white brickwork.
  • September 11, 2015
  • Julia Tarabarina
Museum Alternative
Erick van Egeraat has brought forward an alternative proposal within discussion about construction of a museum complex in the Budapest city park.
  • September 1, 2015
  • Lilya Aronova
Cut Banks, Low Banks
Sergey Skuratov has suggested Kazan an architectural concept of a residential district that is not only filled with multiple cultural meanings and provided with public functions, but also suited for panel construction.
  • August 31, 2015
  • Julia Tarabarina
Within a contest project of the Creative Union “Reserve” the gold for victories is almost literally represented – it turns into a shiny ingot enclosed into orderly grate of bright stone. It is however just one of the many themes that the architecture of the building contains.
Creative Union ‘Reserve’
  • August 24, 2015
  • Julia Tarabarina
Ecological Tetris
The construction of three residential districts in “Technopark” District D2 in Skolkovo innovation center is coming to an end. One of them – the tenth one – is being constructed according to the draft of UNK project that won an open tender in 2012.
  • August 25, 2015
  • Anna Starostina
Ice Feel
The "flagship" building of the grand-scale sports complex situated on the territory of the former "ZIL" automotive plant - "VTB Ice Palace" - has been launched into operation. SPEECH Bureau developed the general concept and the front façade of the palace that to a large extent determines the city planning structure and the appearance of the main square of this complex named "Park of Legends".
  • August 10, 2015
  • Lilya Aronova
Face to the City, Roof to the Sea
Designed by Sergey Oreshkin, the terminals of Saint Petersburg's passenger port live up to their status of the city's "sea façade". And, while from the city side the guests are met by the facades that are dynamic, "soaring", and hi-tech, the passengers of the cruising liners are met be the port's artistically elaborate roofs.
  • Lilya Aronova
  • August 3, 2015
Labyrinths of Creativity
The interior design of "Yandex" HQ: Atrium's good old and time-tested trademark techniques coupled with new interesting approaches to creating an unconventional workspace.
  • August 4, 2015
  • Alla Pavlikova
Art Lobby
"Savelovsky City" center has got the interior designs of the twin towers' entrance groups - the lobbies resemble galleries with sculptures hovering just under the ceiling.
  • July 24, 2015
  • Alla Pavlikova
Roots of an Old Oak Tree
The architectural bureau PANACOM has designed a private villa in the protected zone of the Big London.
  • July 21, 2015
  • Anna Yevstigneeva
In the Rhythm of Verticals
On Moscow's Sparrow Hills, the construction of a new residential complex is in progress: exquisitely modern and at the same time reasonably conservative, it sports, as is always the case with ADM, a really thought-out yard space.
  • July 8, 2015
  • Alla Pavlikova
Two shopping "parks" built by UNK project
Efficient organization of the designing process enabled the architects of UNK Project to subject the architecture of two shopping centers to a single recognizable image despite the differences in their scale and construction conditions.
  • July 7, 2015
  • Alla Pavlikova
Europe on the Yauza River
ADM Studio has designed a business center in Nastavnichevsky side-street, setting the trend for changing the genre standards. The new center is not a skyscraper glass tower, and not some restricted area with a security point by the gate, but a seemingly unassuming but carefully thought-through European quarter of “office townhouses”.
  • Anna Garanenko Julia Tarabarina
  • June 24, 2015
Palazzo on the Krestovsky Island
Eugene Gerasimov continues his "Italian series" on Saint Petersburg’s Krestovsky Island. Following the "Venice" house, the construction of "Verona" started that combines the features of a country residence and a city palace of the Renaissance epoch.
Evgeniy Gerasimov & partners
  • June 19, 2015
  • Lilya Aronova
Today is the Question!
Ilia Mukosey about the new building of the Museum of Contemporary Art "Garage" - designed by Rem Koolhaas
OMA, BuroMoscow, FORM
  • Ilya Mukosei
  • June 12, 2015
Urban Reconstruction
The project of reconstructing Saint Petersburg’s Gostiny Dvor is meant to bring the plan and the outward appearance of the building back to the beginning of the XX century, while its yard is meant to get a subtle combination of the Versailles spirit and the ideals of modern urbanism that is all about comfortable living in a bustling megalopolis.
  • Julia Tarabarina
  • June 17, 2015
On the Green Podium
In the vicinity of the Moscow suburb town of Krasnogorsk, upon the project of Vladimir Bindeman's "Architecturium", the implementation of a new residential area called "Opalikha Village" is beginning.
  • June 18, 2015
  • Anna Victorova
Life around the Freezer
In the city of Vladivostok, ABD architects are reconstructing the historical cold storage warehouse, are designing the culture and business center, and are organizing the comfortable public territories between these two buildings.
  • June 10, 2015
  • Anna Starostina
Playing with Matter
Roman Leonidov got a completed but still not-too-load-capacious basement, and an adventurous creative-minded customer that was not afraid of experimenting - which lead to the appearance of a house that one could even have a hard time coming up with the name for - an "X-house".
Studio of Roman Leonidov
  • June 5, 2015
  • Alla Pavlikova
Double Life of the Facade
Aleksey Goryainov and Mikhail Krymov proposed a "virtual" restoration of architectural monuments as one of the solutions for Moscow's historical center.
Arch Group
  • May 22, 2015
  • Lilya Aronova
Taking Flight
The pavilion that represents Russia at EXPO 2015 in Milan was designed by Sergey Choban.
  • Julia Tarabarina
  • May 14, 2015
Star of the Sea
Erick van Egeraat tried his hand at designing the interior of a luxury boat - and won a prestigious prize for it.
  • May 15, 2015
  • Anna Starostina
A Gallery-house in Bavaria
In the southern suburbs of Munich, in the prestigious area of Grünwald, which is on the bank of the Isar River, PANACOM built an outstanding in all senses gallery-house.
  • May 5, 2015
  • Anna Yevstigneeva
Faceted Grisaille
A new building on the Kulneva Street, next to "Mirax Plaza": the geometry of sharp shadows, glistening lights, and the shades of mature modernist techniques - all reminds about the fact that the new building occupies the place of a former seventies predecessor.
  • Tatiana Pashintseva Julia Tarabarina
  • April 28, 2015
A Rhombus Blitz
The contest project for a residential block situated on the site of Annenhof Grove by “4izmerenie” bureau is an example of combining striking futuristic towers with a humane solution of an urban environment and with evenly distributed functions.
  • April 29, 2015
  • Lilya Aronova
Radiant Concept
Based on the visual and landscape survey that later on became a valuable part of the concept in its own right, the architects of "Ostozhenka" Bureau proposed to keep 85% of the views of the St Simon Monastery seen from the embankment, at the same time increasing the height of the residential buildings.
  • April 27, 2015
  • Anna Starostina
Saturating the Landscape
In Vissarionov’s project, the Federal Sports Centre looks either as if it has landed from outer space and grew into the soil or as if it has hatched from the ground. One thing is clear, though: the authors’ wish to inosculate three cities: a small-scale district, a big, slightly abrupt industrial one – and the city of the future, in this case a sports city.
Architectural bureau of Yuri Vissarionov
  • April 15, 2015
  • Anna Gorodinskaya Julia Tarabarina
The Masterstroke
Olzhas Kuzembaev turned a reception desk into an art object making the plywood snake rule the entire small space of the entrance lobby of the office of MGPM Company in Moscow area's town of Mytischi.
  • April 2, 2015
  • Alla Pavlikova
Smart Framework
Yet another feature article on Tomsk Science and Technology Museum: Nikita Yavein used the flexibility of the architectural language of avant-garde wooden structures for conveying numerous meanings. The project ended up being a charade but its very language came alive.
  • Julia Tarabarina
  • March 23, 2015
A Museum That Reaches for the Stars
A museum above the park, a park of a museum, or the museum building as an exhibit in its own right... Three versions of the contest project of the Science Museum in the city of Tomsk - by Asadov Architectural Bureau.
  • March 23, 2015
  • Anna Gorodinskaya
Science for People
In this issue, we publish the projects by the finalists of the contest for the best architectural and town-planning concept of Science and Technology Museum in Tomsk.
  • March 23, 2015
  • Polina Sadova
Sport Style Urbanist Glazing
The concept of developing the Luzhnetskaya Embankment: laconic and mobile proposal for equipping part of the city with modern sports facilities.
  • March 18, 2015
  • Julia Tarabarina
The project named "RASSVET LOFT*STUDIO" by DNK ag is a fine example of including a factory building into the city fabric.
Archstruktura, DNK Architectural Group
  • Julia Tarabarina
  • March 16, 2015
​Closer to Nature
The architectural bureau PANACOM presents a country housing project consisting of four differentiated clusters that bring together the coziness of the rustication, diversity of urban territories, environmental friendliness, and the individuality of designer solutions.
  • March 17, 2015
  • Anna Yevstigneeva
Engineering Oasis
The engineering system of the renovated swimming complex of "Luzhniki" designed by Engex as part of Asadov Consortium: the optimum balance between comfort and cost/energy efficiency.
  • March 13, 2015
  • Natalia Volkova
Crystallization of a Junction
At the junction of Moscow Ring Road and the Rublev Shosse, the construction of an administrative and business center designed by Sergey Kiselev has been completed.
Sergey Kisselev & Partners
  • March 11, 2015
  • Julia Tarabarina
Plane of Refraction
The project of the second stage of the complex "Zapadnye Vorota" ("Western Gate"), located north of the Mozhaisk Highway, develops the theme of the modern European architecture that has already been successfully implemented in the first stage of this large-scale project.
ABD architects
  • March 10, 2015
  • Alla Pavlikova
Iron Dragon
Proposed by Totan Kuzembaev Bureau, its futurist three-dimensional shell completely transformed the image of a simple parallelepiped of roadside shopping mall.
Totan, Totan Kuzembaev Architectural Studio
  • March 5, 2015
  • Alla Pavlikova