Red, Green... Striped!
A detailed report of the project by "Reserve" Studio that took the second place at the contest for the concept of a residential complex at the Rublevskoe Highway in Moscow.
Creative Union ‘Reserve’
  • February 24, 2014
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Sweet Symbol of Innovation
For the green SMART City Kazan, Totan Kuzembaev Architectural studio developed a conceptual project of a multifunctional showroom.
  • February 17, 2014
  • Anna Martovitskaya
From under the Tuscan Sun
Upon the project of "Roman Leonidov Architectural Bureau", New Moscow got the restaur named "Florentini".
Studio of Roman Leonidov
  • February 12, 2014
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Business Activity Beacon
On commission of Nord Star Development, "Sergey Estrin Architectural Studio" came up with the interior design of its new office.
Sergey Estrin Architects
  • February 5, 2014
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Little Green Yards of "Moscow"
The landscape design studio "Arteza" has developed a project of improving the territory of "Moscow" Hotel.
  • February 3, 2014
  • Alla Pavlikova
Zaryadye History Park
Vera Butko and Anton Nadtochy, participants of MVRDV Consortium, share about the project that took the third place in the contest for the best design of Zaryadye Park, about their impressions from their joint work with Winy Maas, and about what his initial concept was all about.
  • Julia Tarabarina
  • December 26, 2013
Overcoming the Context
A detailed story of a housing project on the Rublevskoye Highway, with which "Sergey Skuratov ARCHITECTS" won a closed architectural tender.
Sergey Skuratov architects
  • January 27, 2014
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Loft Near Big Water
T+T Architects came up with a concept for reconstructing and renovating the territory of the factory "Saratov Muka" ("Saratov Flour) that turns the former industrial park into a classy loft-neighborhood.
  • December 25, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
River Portal
On the bank of the Butakovsky Bay, the architects of ADM Studio proposed to build a multifunctional complex with a large park and a landscaped embankment.
  • December 23, 2013
  • Alla Pavlikova
Man-Made Landscape
Upon the project of "Arteza" landscape architects, Moscow area got a garden that is stunning in its variety.
  • Alla Pavlikova
  • December 20, 2013
Transformation Miracle
Moscow got a piece of an almost-European, delicately and classily landscaped territory - located inside the business block "Atmosphere" and reconstructed by the project by ADM Bureau.
  • December 18, 2013
  • Julia Tarabarina
Impregnable Bastion
In the Narofominsky district of Moscow Region, "Arkhstroydesign" has designed the shopping center "Avantgarde". The leader of the studio Aleksey Ivanov shares about the project.
Arkhstroydesign ASD
  • December 17, 2013
  • Alla Pavlikova
High Bank Views
In a Moscow suburb, on the bank of the Skhodnya River, "Architecturium" Studio is building the residential complex named "Olympian Village Novogorsk. Apartments" that is going to include a school of martial arts and a center of theater arts.
  • December 11, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Materialization of Northern Venice
In Saint Petersburg, the construction of "Venice" building is completed: drawn three years ago, it materialized with the recently-rare attention to detail and the peculiarity of the materials. The result came out expensive but nonetheless exciting.
Evgeniy Gerasimov & partners
  • December 6, 2013
  • Julia Tarabarina
Urban Evolution
On the threshold of the Moscow Urban Forum 2013, whose main theme will be the development of the urban periphery, we publish the project "Replacement" by DNK architectural group. Developed back in 2010 as a case study of Moscow's Biryulevo-West neighborhood, today it remains as vital as ever.
DNK Architectural Group
  • December 3, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Variety Line
UNK project bureau is bringing to life a plan of a multiformat apartment block in Ivanteevka, The Dutch Quarter.
  • December 2, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
In the Sky With Lenses
"Asadov Architectural Bureau" has won the tender for the best project of "Central" Airport in Saratov.
  • November 28, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Green Heart of Moscow
Project of the park "Zaryadye" developed by the consortium of "Reserve" Group + Maxwan + Latz und Partner
Creative Union ‘Reserve’, Maxwan architects and urbanists, Latz + Partner
  • Anna Martovitskaya
  • November 27, 2013
Meeting the City Halfway
In Saint Petersburg, the "Nevskaya Ratusha" ("Neva City Hall" - translator's note) is being built - a business center with a large public square presided by the "New Smolny".
  • November 27, 2013
  • Alla Pavlikova
Deep Alternative
Sergey Estrin shares with about his project that was developed for the first round of the competition for the new building of the National Center for Contemporary Arts.
  • November 26, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Park in the Turbulence Zone
The contest project of "Yuzhny" Airport by Totement/Paper: the architects made an accent on organizing the passenger flows inside the airport, laying along the park that was specified in the requirements, a network of covered pedestrian galleries.
  • November 12, 2013
  • Julia Tarabarina
Office with a View
The new office of Group - created by UNK Project
  • November 11, 2013
  • Alla Pavlikova
Shadow of a shadow
Office building in Mozhaiskoye Road’s project is once again approved by Moscow officials – now as a reworked design by Alexey Bavykin.
Bavykin architects, iCube Architectura
  • November 7, 2013
  • Julia Tarabarina
Two Arrows
The contest project of a new airport in Rosfov-on-Don - developed by "Asadov Architectural Bureau".
ASADOV architects
  • November 6, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Pastel and Glass
For two months already, in Saint Petersburg, works "Boris Eifman Dance Academy", the unique building of which was designed by "Studio 44".
, Company:
  • November 5, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Four Islands of Cape Green
"Architectural Group DNK" is building a settlement of "Reka-Reka" ("River-River") next to Zvenigorod. "We got hold of a splendid opportunity to design the entire settlement and think through its every detail - from the general master plan and housing projects to the elements of landscape and interior design" - share the architects about their project.
Archstruktura, DNK Architectural Group
  • October 21, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Build a House, Plant a Tree... In It!
The country house that UNK Project designed in the settlement "Zhukovka XXI" became the "visiting card" if the bureau long before it was actually completed. And now that the customers have finally moved in, it has become clear that the "advance" high critical acclaim was more than justified.
  • October 17, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Honeycomb with a River View
The Klyazma Lake is going to see Totan Kuzembaev build yet another house - this time in the shape of a rectangular portal into which a "honeycomb" of wood and glass is inscribed.
  • October 14, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Head Corners
In Moscow vicinity, architect Totan Kuzembaev is going to build a "Crystal" House - a villa with unusual-looking acute-angled facades.
  • October 7, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Universal Simplicity
Aleksey Ivanov Studio "Arkhstroydesign ASD" became the winner of the Fifth Open Contest organized by Russian Housing Development Foundation for the best low-rise energy-efficient housing project of economy class.
Arkhstroydesign ASD
  • October 3, 2013
A Mall with an Overpass
On Leningrad highway, the second stage of the multi-purpose complex "Metropolis" is underway. The facades of this building were designed by UNK project.
  • September 23, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Tobacco Office
Sergey Estrin architectural studio finished working on the interior design of Philip Morris International headquarters.
Sergey Estrin Architects
  • September 13, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Dream Factory Mirrors
UNK Project designed the interiors of the public areas of Sochi's "Luxor IMAX" Movie Theater.
  • September 10, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Wave of Light
"T+T Architects" took part in the tender for the development of the design concept of the second construction stage of "Alkon" business center. The main decorating element of the public areas of this complex, according to the architects' plan, is a parametric lighting structure.
Т+Т Architects
  • September 2, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Court of Honor with a Chimney
"Studio 44" won the tender for the project of a residential complex on the embankment of the Karpovka River. In their proposal, the team of Nikita Yavein develops the traditional Saint Petersburg theme of a house with a court of honor.
  • August 27, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Crystal of Reason
For Yekaterinburg’s bid book for the right to host the World Universal Exhibition "Expo-2020", ABD Architects developed a concept of arranging the exhibition facilities.
ABD architects
  • August 26, 2013
  • Tatiana Shovskaya
Watercolor Alloy
The project of a residential complex that is now being built in the Moscow suburb of Balashikha incorporates the most characteristic techniques of the classic modernism, the subtleties of the contextual approach, several variations of housing typology, and a fresh and picturesque emotionality.
Ostozhenka Bureau
  • Alla Pavlikova Julia Tarabarina
  • August 14, 2013
Lofts in the Park
On the north of Moscow, "Homeland Group" is designing the apart-complex "Loft Park" - an up-to-date city block in "loft" style, bordering on an oak park and the famous Golovinskiye Ponds.
  • August 20, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
House at the Bend (It Grows on You)
By the project of "Architecturium" Studio, on the Mashkinskoe Highway, the construction of "Novogorsk Olympic Village" is underway. This year, the checkpoint building and the four-story residential house, located on the front line of the settlement, have been put into operation.
  • August 7, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Expressive Beauty of the Horizontal
In the settlement of Dubrovka, architect Roman Leonidov built "Oakland House" - a cottage the image and layout of which were developed under the motto "simplicity and tranquility".
Studio of Roman Leonidov
  • Anna Martovitskaya
  • August 6, 2013
Mathematics of Comfort
Designing a new residential complex in the Nevsky district of Saint Petersburg, "Studio 44" treated it as a "city within a city", a place that is self-sufficient, comfortable to live in, and complete with all the necessary elements of the traditional city environment.
  • July 19, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya