Angel Lands
"Asadov Architectural Bureau" took part in a closed international tender for the best project of the new pedestrian and cyclist bridge in the center of Ukraine's capital Kiev.
ASADOV architects
  • June 24, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Villas in the Park
For the downtown area of the city of Ufa, Bureau of Vissarionov has developed a project of reconstructing the residential block between the Lenin Street and the Soldatskoe ("Soldier") Lake - project under the self-explanatory name of "Park Housing".
Architectural bureau of Yuri Vissarionov
  • July 2, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Loft Triumph
Not far away from the famous artist village in the north of Moscow, "T+T Architects" is designing a new apartment complex executed in the aesthetics of the contemporary European summer home.
Т+Т Architects
  • June 19, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Laterna Magica
In the capital of Kazakhstan, yet another high-profile project will be built by "Studio 44" - the Saint Petersburg bureau has won the international tender for designing the Youth Palace in Astana.
  • June 11, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Berlin has got the Museum of Architectural Graphics whose building was designed by "SPEECH Tchoban&Kuznetsov".
  • June 10, 2013
  • Nina Frolova
The Power of Proportion
In the vicinity of "Sokol" metro station, the construction of a new business center has been completed - by ADM Bureau.
  • Julia Tarabarina
  • June 4, 2013
Portal of the "Empire"
Taking part in the contest for the project of the second stage of construction of "Empire Tower" Complex, the architectural group DNK treated the last unfinished building on the Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment as a laconic-shape volume with dramatic and expresive facades.
DNK Architectural Group
  • June 14, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
City Gate
More on the project by UNK Bureau that won the contest for the best architectural solution of the second construction stage of "Empire Tower" Complex in Moscow City.
  • May 14, 2013
  • Julia Tarabarina
The Outposts of City Comfort
Taking part in the competition for the development concept of the former industrial park at the Berezhkovskaya Embankment, "Asadov Architectural Bureau" came up with the solution that was turning this area into an integral part of the city.
ASADOV architects
  • Anna Martovitskaya
  • April 29, 2013
Office Drive
"SPEECH Choban&Kuznetsov" Bureau continues with the implementation of the interior design project for the offices of VTB Bank in the "Federation" Complex. Yet another, the 59th floor is completed.
  • April 25, 2013
  • Elena Petukhova
Golden Expo Sail
This year, the Saint Petersburg project of "Expoforum" developed by Eugene Gerasimov and Sergey Choban has entered the phase of active implementation. According to the renovated version of the project, the Shushary congress and exhibition complex will get golden facades and impressive parabolic marquees.
  • April 24, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Green Caverns
In the under-construction apartment house at the Staroalekseevskaya Street, the architectural bureau ADM is in charge not only of creating comfortable apartments but also unique green public areas.
  • April 22, 2013
  • Tatiana Pashintseva
Balanced Decisions
The company Homeland Group worked together with the French bureau AREP and Setec in the development of a master plan for the innovation center Skolkovo. Homeland Group adapted the ideas of their French colleagues to the Russian reality.
  • April 18, 2013
  • Alla Pavlikova
Wooden Mop of Hair
The contest project of an apart-hotel on the shore of the Adriatic Sea, developed by Totan Kuzembaev, has been awarded the Special Jury Prize
  • April 17, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
The Art of Rigid Boundaries
The Architectural Workshop ADM turned an obsolete protracted construction into a modern office center.
  • April 15, 2013
  • Tatiana Pashintseva
A Hut in a Pine Forest
This laconic volume hidden amidst the pine trees is the smallest-area one of all the houses ever built by Roman Leonidov.
Studio of Roman Leonidov
  • April 10, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Julius Borisov: UNK Project: western principles in Russian architecture.
"UNK Project" Bureau that celebrated its 15th birthday last year is the rare example of a Russian company that was organized and that operates according to the western model - operates successfully. Which fundamentals were borrowed by the Russian architects from their western colleagues and how the Russian architects were able to implement these fundamentals into the domestic practice - about this we are talking with one of the founders of the company, architect Julius Borisov.
  • April 9, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Vitamin Complex
The ADM architects have come up with a project, according to which the complex of buildings of the former Research Institute for Vitamins turns into an up-to-date and comfortable business park. This is yet another project by this bureau that implements the sustainability principles into Moscow's everyday life. All the artistic devices that were accessible to the authors were used for the embodiment of the symbiosis of Nature and Human Knowledge.
  • April 8, 2013
  • Anna Garanenko
Caspian Sea Oasis
The simple and functional volume of the hotel building is not only surrounded by a garden - it grows together with it, or rather, almost literally, grows OUT of it.
  • March 25, 2013
  • Alla Pavlikova
Stylish Improvement
This summer, the architectural workshop ADM is completing the project of renovating a 1950s administrative building, which is to drastically change its appearance.
  • March 18, 2013
  • Tatiana Pashintseva
Having responded to all the themes that were set by its architectural context, the new bank building in the Butikovsky Side-street still does not look lost amidst its neighbors. Quite the contrary: one can regard this new building as the old Ostozhenka's breakthrough into the company of the glamorous "golden mile".
Ostozhenka Bureau
  • March 14, 2013
  • Julia Tarabarina
The Reindeer
Over a year ago, the architectural bureau “City Arch” completed the construction of a three-star hotel “Cariboo” in Beloyarsky. Named after the animal that symbolizes the fauna of the Khanty-Mansiysk region, the hotel even looks like a stately deer.
  • March 14, 2013
  • Tatiana Pashintseva
Collected Works
Designing a large residential project for Odintsovo area of Moscow region, Alexey Ivanov’s Workshop “Arkhstroydesign ASD” has developed several layouts of building.
Arkhstroydesign ASD
  • March 13, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
In Rhythm with City, in Balance with Nature
The business center designed by Andrew Romanov and Ekaterina Kuznetsova continues the "green" line of ADM Bureau projects that implement the ideas of interaction and mutual respect between architecture and nature.
  • March 11, 2013
  • Alla Pavlikova
Tree of the House
The architectural collection of the resort “Pirogovo” was once again replenished with a house named “Fan” designed by Totan Kuzembaev workshop and built on the bank of the Klyazma lake.
  • March 7, 2013
  • Tatiana Pashintseva
Timber, logs and glass
Having obtained the comission to design a log house, Roman Leonidov built a cottage reconsidering the traditional image of “izba” (a traditional Russian countryside log house) in the mainstream of contemporary ideas about the layout and development of suburban housing.
Studio of Roman Leonidov
  • Anna Martovitskaya
  • February 20, 2013
Geometry of Comfort
Moscow area is seeing the construction of a new country house built by the project of Roman Leonidov architectural studio; the project is based on the principle of being at one with the universe.
Studio of Roman Leonidov
  • March 4, 2013
  • Alla Pavlikova
Density as a Style
While he was designing a low-rise district named "Andersen" in "New Moscow" area, architect Vladimir Binderman tried to envisage how this small town would look like if it had been designed by, say, the great-grandson of the famous fairy tale writer.
  • March 5, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Compatibility Test
ABD Architects has designed a multifunctional medical center in Shchepkina street in Moscow.
ABD architects
  • Tatyana Anfilova
  • February 11, 2013
Lizard's Tale
In spite of all the restrictions that were raining on them from all sides, Vera Butko and Anton Nadtochy were able to build a kindergarten that looks like a toy fairy tale palace. How were they able to do that? Let us find out!
  • Alla Pavlikova
  • February 14, 2013
The Art of Being Different
АВV Group architects have designed a parking building in “Krylatsky Hills” Business Park. The parking building considerably differs from the office buildings yet harmoniously blends with the adjoining park.
  • February 18, 2013
  • Alla Pavlikova Julia Tarabarina
Multicolored Barcode
Late last year, yet another medical institution in the southeast of Moscow got positively-looking multicolored facades that inspire confidence in the art of healing and the triumph of life. The project of reconstruction of Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Kulakov, situated on Akademika Oparina Street, was developed by the author team led by Alexander Asadov.
  • February 6, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
A Block White as Snow. On the Embankment.
The office complex "Aquamarine" is built on Ozerkovskaya Embankment in the place of the former industrial area; in fact, the architects of "SPEECH Choban&Kuznetsov" came up with a whole new understanding of the town-planning structure of this place.
  • Tatiana Pashintseva
  • February 4, 2013
Yards behind a Wall
In the center of Kronstadt, architectural office "Studio 44" is designing a new residential complex. Bordering on the architecture monuments protection zone, the new project develops the principles of historical town-planning of this fortress town.
  • February 1, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Castle Memories
On the Moika River embankment and directly opposite the "New Holland" area, "Eugene Gerasimov and Partners" Studio is designing an elite-class residential building. Once this was the place where the so-called "Lithuanian Castle" stood, and, in the architecture of the new complex, the authors enhanced the continuity of generations between the new and the old buildings.
  • January 29, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya Julia Tarabarina
Diversity within the Bounds of Tradition
Developing a reconstruction project for the settlement of Rubin Estate, architect Aleksey Ivanov paid special attention to the quality and the merchantability of the future real property units.
Arkhstroydesign ASD
  • January 23, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Creation of Environment
Two new projects by "Vissarionov Studio" developed for the cities of Archangel and Sochi... Different in climatic conditions, typology, and square footage, they have one thing in common: they create new public spaces.
Architectural bureau of Yuri Vissarionov
  • January 10, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Fundamental Transformer
"Express-House" built by Gary Chang and Totan Kuzembaev in Pirogovo resort is a project that evolved from a quick-mounting pavilion up to a fundamental structure.
  • January 9, 2013
  • Anna Martovitskaya
House of Multicolored Fairs
A colorful collage, as if glued together out of newspaper and magazine clippings, against the background of monotonous housing of the small town of Moskovsky situated in Moscow area... this is how the competitive project of shopping mall by "Sergey Kselev and Partners" looks like.
Sergey Kisselev & Partners
  • December 27, 2012
  • Alla Pavlikova
A Block on Three Shores
In the vicinity of Moscow area's Kransnogorsk, "Architecturium" studio is building a townhouse community named "Rizhsky Kvartal" (Riga Block). The classy low-rise houses are positioned around a large forest lake, and for Moscow area this is an example of the rare case when the name actually answers its content.
  • December 24, 2012
  • Anna Martovitskaya
Passe-Partout Puzzle
For the tourist resort "Cote d'Azure" that is located in Istra district of Moscow area, Totan Kuzembaev architectural studio has designed a guest cottage with facades that look as if they were multicolored wooden jigsaw puzzles.
  • December 21, 2012
  • Tatiana Shovskaya