Business and retail center in Nizhny Novgorod, on Strelka
project -
2006 —2006 -
Russia, Nizhny Novgorod -
Masterplanning / Quay Masterplan

Yuri Vissarionov /
RussiaDesign Team
Vissarionov U., Savkin K., Osipov A., Filatov U.,
Abaimova O., Chernjavski M., Kalmykov A.
Abaimova O., Chernjavski M., Kalmykov A.
Partners and Clients
client: the company SISTEMA-GALS about this project:
Irina Filchenkova, Julia Tarabarina. Strelka, Nizhny Novgorod
The project of changing the nizhegorodskayia Strelka from the loading port into a modern multi-purpose complex, which brings together the soft touch to the heritage and bold architecture, even a try to comprehend the place’s history, is theatrically building up the new urban area, surrounding the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.
The Oka river divides Nizhny Novgorod into two parts: on the right there are high banks, gullies. There is the Nizhny Novgorods Kremlin and monasteries. One of them is Blagoveschensky monastery, which is well seen from the bridge over the river. On ... more