Contest project "Moscow-river in Moscow"

Sergey Kisselev /
Sergey Kisselev & Partners /
RussiaDesign Team
Sergei Kiselev (the head), Anton Egerev, Anastasia Ivanova, Azat Hasanov about this project:
Julia Tarabarina. Connectable architecture
"Multipurpose series barge" is the name given by the architects of SK&P to their contest project for Moscow-river. They also compare it with a computer USB connection. The project has two parts. The main has building-modules on the floating platform which can be connected to the standard “port” of the pier. The second is responsible for the connection of the idea with a particular place – a wooden pedestrian quay and a light bridge over the Moscow River.
The authors emphasize that the main project feature is its standardized connection. Along thebank lines they suggest building landings with infrastructure heat, electricity, water, sewerage system, communication services. It will be easy to dock stan... more