Contest project on architectural concept of mixed-use recreation complex on the embankment of the Moscow-river
project -
12.2007 —02.2008 -
Russia, Moscow
Territory of the projected proezd 1824 -
Masterplanning / Quay Masterplan
Dmitriy Alexandrov /
RussiaAlexandrov and partners /
RussiaDesign Team
D. Aleksandrov, A. Vartapetova, K. Kanunnikova, A. Ivanov
with participation of A. Geraskina, I. Kesler
Partners and Clients
Client: “Miraks-Group” company about this project:
Julia Tarabarina. On foot, by water, by air
The contest project of a mixed-use complex on the embankment of the Moscow-river, in front of the City, in the variant suggested by Dmitry Aleksandrov looks like a reflection on the idea of “main elements”: he makes accent on water surface in the river, lifts the ground onto the roofs of the buildings and manipulates with the space enlarging it twice
The “Miraks” company, famous firstly for the “Federaciya” tower, is developing a considerable number of projects around the City and right beside it. Outside the Tretie kolco [the third ring] Norman Foster is designing project of an egg-shaped build... more