Concept of reconstructing the swimming complex Luzhniki. DNK ag. Finalist of the contest

Daniel Lorenz /
Konstantin Khodnev /
Natalia Sidorova /
DNK Architectural Group /
RussiaDesign Team
D. Lorentz, N. Sidorova, K. Khodnev, T. Morozkina, A. Taranukha, M. Kochurkina, E. Filatova. Structural elements: V. Travush, S. Stroganov
Partners and Clients
Contest project. Customer: CODEST; Organizer: "Olympic Complex" Luzhniki ", with the support of Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow. Consultant - Center for Communication Technologies "Agglomeration". about this project:
“Luzhniki”: Project by DNK Group
Detailed coverage of one of the finalist projects for the reconstruction of "Luzhniki" swimming pool complex.
View from the "Metro Bridge", the project of nighttime illumination / Concept of reconstruction of "Luzhniki" swimming complex. DNK. “A building of such importance and magnitude, located in such a high-profile place, ... more