VTB Arena Park. Dinamo stadium reconstruction project (SPeeCH, GMP)
Sergey Kouznetsov /
RussiaSergei Tchoban /
RussiaSPEECH /
RussiaDesign Team
gmp International, SPEECH architectural studio
Partners and Clients
Archi.ru about this project:
Anna Martovitskaya. Invisible coat
One of the absolute leaders of the international closed contest on the best "Dinamo" stadium reconstruction solution featured in the short-list was the project of SPEECH architectural studio and the German GMP bureau. The architects covered football arena conforming the UEFA standards with an impressing transparent saddle-shaped roof.
Sergei Kuznetsov the SPeeCH director and partner said one of the main criteria for the reconstruction work of the stadium was the delicate approach to the monument. We could have a totally formal approach here, we could leave a piece of the wall and ... more