V-A-C Foundation Centre of contemporary culture at the former GES-2 power station


Renzo Piano

Renzo Piano /


Renzo Piano Building Workshop – RPBW /

Copyright: Provided by Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW)

Archi.ru about this project:


Julia Tarabarina. Pompidou Inside Out

Renzo Piano and his GES-2 have already been compared to Ridolfo Aristotele Fioravanti and his Cathedral of the Assumption. And for a good reason: GES-2 also stuns you with its grace and loftiness, but ultimately turns out to be the richest collection of recognizable motifs from an early masterpiece by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, the George Pompidou Center in Paris. These motifs are fused into the grid of Shukhov-esque structures, painted white, and they create a dialogue between 1910, 1971, and 2021, built on references (not devoid of a poster-like quality) to the main masterpiece. The basilica-shaped space of the former power station is taken apart virtually just like the museum, in accordance with the concept by Teresa Mavica.

Super, fantastic, great! Mmm... Great like what? “The Fifth Element”, directed by Luc Besson The director of the V-A-C foundation, Teresa Iarocci Mavica, knows a thing or two about preparing presentations of large-scale projects: ...   more

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Copyright: © Renzo Piano Building Workshop

Partner Architects of Archi.ru:

  • Andrey Romanov
  • Pavel Andreev
  • Igor  Shvartsman
  • Alexandra Kuzmina
  • Tatiana Zulkharneeva
  • Oleg Medinsky
  • Rostislav Zaiser
  • Sergey Skuratov
  • Sergey  Trukhanov
  • Ekaterina Kuznetsova
  •  Valery  Lukomsky
  • Yuri Vissarionov
  • Julia  Tryaskina
  • Alexsey Ginzburg
  • Mikhail Kanunnikov
  • Polina Voevodina
  • Andrey Gnezdilov
  • Konstantin Khodnev
  • Zurab Bassaria
  • Alexander Skokan
  • Ilya Utkin
  • Stanislav Belykh
  • Yuliy Borisov
  • Daniel  Lorenz
  • Andrey Asadov
  • Natalia Sidorova
  • Vladimir Kovalev
  • Rais Baishev
  • Anton Nadtochiy
  • Vera Butko
  • Roman Leonidov
  • Alexander Asadov
  • Levon Ayrapetov
  • Sergei Tchoban
  • Nikita Yavein
  • Andy Snow
  • Nikolai  Milovidov
  • Valeria Preobrazhenskaya
  • Vassily Krapivin
  • Vladimir Plotkin
  • Natalia Shilova
  • Anatoly Stolyarchuk
  • Alexandr Samarin
  • Ilia Mashkov
  • Sergey Oreshkin
  • Sergey Kouznetsov
  • Vsevolod Medvedev

A Project from the Catalogue

Office building, Trubnaya street
Alexander Skokan, Valery Kanyashin, 1999
Office building, Trubnaya street

Buildings and Projects: New Additions

  • Naberezhnaya Evropy, St. Petersburg
  • Pavilion for Chacha Ceremonies
  • «Danilovskaya Manufactory»
  • “Replacement” Project
  • Residential complex
  • “Olympic Hall”Business Center
  • Residential complex
  • Residential complex ′Andersen′
  • Sports and residential complex “Olympic village Novogorsk”