Multyfunctional complex on Prechistenskaia quay (Barkli plaza)
Natalia Ishutina /
RussiaAlexandr Medvedev /
RussiaPavel Shalimov /
RussiaNikita Demidov /
RussiaSergey Skuratov /
RussiaSergey Skuratov architects /
RussiaDesign Team
S.Skuratov, N.Demidov, A.Medvedev, N.Ishutina, P.Shalimov
Partners and Clients
Client - ZAO 'Ux-Vostok' about this project:
Julia Tarabarina. Quayside house. The palace
“Barkley-plaza”, an office building along the Prechistinskaya quay fronts the river as well as “Danilovsky fort”. But it looks more like a palace, than a fort.
The second “quayside house” designed by Sergei Skuratov is “Barkley-plaza”. This is a mixed-use building: under the ground there is a parking lot, in the stylobate there is a retail centre, over it there are offices, over office spaces there are apar... more