Concept of development of the territories “Konyushennaya” and “Severnaya Kolomna – Novaya Gollandiya”


  • status
  • date
  • place
    Russia, St. Petersburg
  • function
    Masterplanning / Concept of a Block’s Reconstruction
    Contest program excerpt: The contest is organized with the purpose of forming, by means of competitive selection and wide public discussion, best town-planning and architectural ideas of developing the territories located within the boundaries of Saint Petersburg downtown area, preparation of rationalizing materials on the development of the territories within the framework of the program “Conservation of Saint Petersburg Historical Center in 2012-2018”.
Nikita Yavein

Nikita Yavein /


Company: /

Design Team
Authors of the project: N. Yavein, O. Yavein, M. Vinogradova, I. Grigoryev, I. Kozhin, V. Lemekhov, L. Likhacheva, A. Patrikeev, G. Snezhkin, M. Yavein Historical consultants: B. Kirikov, director of Saint Petersburg branch of Research Institute of Theory of Architecture and Town-planning of Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences A. Kobak, executive director of D.C. Likhachev Foundation, A. Margolis, co-chairman of Saint Petersburg branch of All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments and Culture. Transport development strategy: M. Petrovich, General Director of “House-planning Laboratory”

Partners and Clients
Contest organizer: Government of Saint Petersburg represented by Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade. about this project:


Anna Martovitskaya. “Two Miles” Operation

This September, Saint Petersburg has seen the final of the open contest for the best development concept of the historical downtown area. The list of the contestants included, among others, “Studio 44” architectural office, whose project got an honorable mention for its stylishness and feasibility.

First of all, the architects did what might be called “taking inventory” of the vast historical and cultural legacy of the area – it was important for them to sort out which “growing points” were already underway for the city, which worked half thei...   more

Nikita Yavein,

Other Buildings:

Partner Architects of

  • Konstantin Khodnev
  • Polina Voevodina
  • Alexander Asadov
  • Levon Ayrapetov
  • Pavel Andreev
  • Ilia Mashkov
  • Vassily Krapivin
  • Zurab Bassaria
  • Vera Butko
  • Anatoly Stolyarchuk
  • Yuri Vissarionov
  • Ekaterina Kuznetsova
  • Alexandr Samarin
  • Rostislav Zaiser
  • Alexander Skokan
  • Andrey Asadov
  • Tatiana Zulkharneeva
  • Vladimir Kovalev
  • Vladimir Plotkin
  • Sergey Skuratov
  • Andrey Romanov
  • Alexandra Kuzmina
  • Valeria Preobrazhenskaya
  • Sergey  Trukhanov
  • Nikita Yavein
  • Yuliy Borisov
  • Natalia Sidorova
  • Mikhail Kanunnikov
  • Andy Snow
  • Roman Leonidov
  • Alexsey Ginzburg
  • Julia  Tryaskina
  • Igor  Shvartsman
  • Sergey Oreshkin
  • Natalia Shilova
  • Daniel  Lorenz
  • Stanislav Belykh
  •  Valery  Lukomsky
  • Andrey Gnezdilov
  • Nikolai  Milovidov
  • Sergey Kouznetsov
  • Oleg Medinsky
  • Ilya Utkin
  • Sergei Tchoban
  • Anton Nadtochiy
  • Vsevolod Medvedev
  • Rais Baishev

A Project from the Catalogue

Buildings and Projects: New Additions

  • Naberezhnaya Evropy, St. Petersburg
  • Pavilion for Chacha Ceremonies
  • «Danilovskaya Manufactory»
  • “Replacement” Project
  • Residential complex
  • “Olympic Hall”Business Center
  • Residential complex
  • Residential complex ′Andersen′
  • Sports and residential complex “Olympic village Novogorsk”