A Hotel in Moscow Suburbs
building -
2010 —2011 / 2011 — 2013 -
Russia, -
Hospitality / Health / Hotel -
Total Area
3 200 ì2
Archi.ru about this project:
Anna Martovitskaya, Julia Tarabarina. Nature Faceted
In the south-west of Moscow region, the architectural office “Atrium” is building a private hotel. In order to visually minimize the rather large volume, the architects employed their favorite tactic – they made the building look like a natural part of the landscape.
Due to the fact that the land site allotted for the construction of the hotel is fairly large, the building was in fact designed with the natural surroundings being the only outside consideration for its planning. While defining its exact location an... moreVera Butko,
Other Buildings:
Partner Architects of Archi.ru:
A Project from the Catalogue
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Architectural and planning concept of landscaping the territory of eco settlement “Poluostrov”