Arquine International Competition No.27 - Mextropoli 2025 Pavilion
Архитектурный конкурс журнала Arquine проходит с 1998. Ежегодно в нем принимают участие более 400 архитекторов и студентов со всего мира. На этот раз участникам предлагается разработать временный павильон в историческом центре Мехико в рамках фестиваля MEXTRÓPOLI. Павильон должен быть не только эстетичным и функциональным, но и привлекать внимание горожан, создавая пространство для обсуждения архитектуры и городской среды. Важно учитывать временный характер сооружения: проект должен быть рассчитан на демонтаж и повторные сборку или использование его составляющих.
Since 1998, Arquine has held an architectural competition that allows ideas and proposals to be compared on equal terms. In this edition, the invitation is to design, build and activate a pavilion in the Historic Center of Mexico City within the framework of the MEXTRÓPOLI Architecture and City Festival. Contestants must project a piece that meets the conditions specified in the bases of this contest in terms of time, costs and characteristics, considering the ability to provoke and attract citizens, which will be a fundamental part of the evaluation of the proposal.
Legal regime
This is an international and anonymous competition, open to all disciplines and ages and takes place in a single phase. The delivery is digital and is governed by the provisions established in the administrative bases and technical bases. From the moment the contestants formalize their participation, they undertake to accept all parts of the contest without appeal to its regulatory, technical and procedural provisions established in the administrative bases and in the technical bases.
The Competition for the MEXTRÓPOLI Pavilion is organized by Arquine, who will have the responsibility for organizing the technical-administrative information before and after the development of the contest, as well as attending to the queries made by the participants and giving the corresponding answers. Likewise, Arquine will write the minutes of the plenary meeting of the jury and the award minutes, as well as all the actions for the proper development of this contest. Arquine will also be responsible for carrying out the production and construction of the winning project in coordination with this year’s winning team.
• Convene, with a universal character, to present ideas for the development and construction of a Pavilion, recyclable or reusable, without exception, complying with the requirements established in these bases.
• Turn the pavilion into a reference space within the framework of the MEXTRÓPOLI Architecture and City Festival, which manages to provide the festival with a space for reflection and discussion around architecture and the city.