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Мемориал Холокоста в Лондоне

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 17.10.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 17.10.2016
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Великобритания
  город: Лондон
  открыт для: междисциплинарных команд
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: гонорар £15 000 для каждого финалиста
  организатор: Malcolm Reading Consultants
  контакты: holocaustmemorial@malcolmreading.co.uk
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  United Kingdom Holocaust Memorial
  Цель конкурса – выбрать лучший проект нового мемориального комплекса, посвященного Холокосту, который планируется построить в центральной части Лондона. Помимо собственно мемориала, комплекс будет включать образовательный центр, где будет изучаться история Второй мировой войны и геноцида еврейского народа. Конкурс пройдет в два этапа. Первый – квалификационный. На втором – команд, вышедшие в финал, займутся непосредственно разработкой проектов.
  Алина Измайлова. Суд запретил строить в парке у Вестминстерского дворца мемориал жертвам Холокоста по проекту Дэвида Аджайе и Рона Арада, 27.06.2022
  Нина Фролова. В «парке британской совести», 25.10.2017
  Полина Садова. Дань памяти, 31.01.2017
This international design competition managed by Malcolm Reading Consultants on behalf of the Department for Communities and Local Government – and the wider work of the UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation – fulfils the recommendations made by the Prime Minister’s cross-party Holocaust Commission in its report of January 2015.

On Holocaust Memorial day in 2016, the UK Government announced that the National Holocaust Memorial will be located adjacent to the Palace of Westminster in Victoria Tower Gardens, London. The Government has also been clear that in delivering this National Memorial it seeks to maximise the interpretative and educational benefits.

The Holocaust Commission was clear that the strongest way of delivering those benefits would be through the creation of a co-located Learning Centre. Following an extensive search of potential sites across London and a detailed analysis of Victoria Tower Gardens, the cross-party UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation is now formally recommending to Her Majesty’s Government that such a Learning Centre should indeed be co-located (below ground) with the National Memorial in Victoria Tower Gardens.

As a result, the competition is seeking holistic designs comprising two key parts. The first part fulfils the minimum commitment of a National Memorial, requiring an outstanding design for a stand-alone memorial, including landscaping and above ground work. The second part is the below ground Learning Centre component, which will be taken forward subject to technical, financial, planning or other constraints. Both parts should be considered holistically together, as set out in the competition documents.

Her Majesty’s Government has committed £50 million as its contribution to the total project costs of the National Memorial, the creation and running of a co-located Learning Centre and additional wider educational work on the Holocaust. In taking forward the winning design, HM Treasury standard Green Book processes for capital projects will be applied.


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