11-й международный конкурс театральной архитектуры OISTAT 2022
dead-line регистрации:
dead-line подачи проектов:
открыт для:
профессионалов и студентов
регистрационный взнос:
I место - €5000, II место - €2500, III место - €1000, три поощрительных приза по €500
Международная организация сценографов, театральных техников и театральных архитекторов - OISTAT (International Organisation of Scenographers, Theatre Technicians and Theatre Architects)
В этом году участникам конкурса предстоит спроектировать адаптируемое пространство для выступлений на открытом воздухе в Центре искусств и творчества Банфа на краю Скалистых гор, неподалеку от Калгари. Приветствуется совместная работа над проектом архитекторов и специалистов театральной сферы.
World Stage Design is delighted to announce the launch of The 11th OISTAT Theatre Architecture Competition 2022. This is an international ideas competition, aimed at students and emerging architecture practitioners, and is organised by the Architecture Commission of OISTAT (International Organisation of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians).
World Stage Design is a major international theatre design exhibit and event, which takes place every four years under the auspices of OISTAT. Winning entries will be exhibited at World Stage Design 2022, to be held at The University of Calgary, Canada from August 6-16th, 2022.
The challenge of the competition is to design an adaptable outdoor performance space for a beautiful site at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, on the edge of the Rocky Mountains, 100km to the west of Calgary.
This is an ideas competition and there is no intention to build the winning entry but prize winners will have the opportunity to visit and participate in the World Stage Design event in Calgary. Collaborations between architects and other theatre practitioners such as directors, designers, technicians, actors, dancers, musicians, or students of those fields will be welcomed. The closing date for the competition is 30th April 2022.