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9-й международный конкурс театральной архитектуры OISTAT 2015

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 27.03.2015
  dead-line подачи проектов: 27.03.2015
  дата объявления результатов: 09.06.2015
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Германия
  город: Берлин
  открыт для: студентов и профессионалов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: €50
  награда: 1й приз - €5000, 2й приз - €2500, 3й приз - €1000, а также три поощрительных приза по €500
  жюри: состав будет объявлен позже
  организатор: Международная организация сценографов, театральных техников и театральных архитекторов - OISTAT (International Organisation of Scenographers, Theatre Technicians and Theatre Architects)
  контакты: [email protected]
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  9th OISTAT Theatre Architecture Competition 2015
  Задание конкурса – спроектировать «плавающий» театр, который будет пришвартован в районе Хольцмаркт на реке Шпрее (Берлин), но сможет также перемещаться в другие места. Театр должен вмещать 200-300 человек. Фойе, буфет и туалеты предлагается разместить на берегу, но также сделать их мобильными. 
связанные события:

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7-й Международный конкурс театральной архитектуры OISTAT 2007
Competition Theme for TAC 2015
The theme for the competition will be the design of a floating theatre to be moored at a particular location on the river Spree in Berlin, Germany, but capable of being moved to other sites on the river. The floating theatre will provide a performance space for an audience of 200-300 people and backstage accommodation for a cast of no more than 20 performers. Facilities for the audience, such as foyer space, toilets and refreshment areas will be located on the land and will be temporary and easily moved to another location, when required. There is increasing interest amongst theatre practitioners in the use of temporary site specific locations to present particular productions. These settings can often provide a unique atmosphere, which resonates with a particular production or style of presentation, in a way which may not be possible in a conventional theatre. These are the themes to be explored in this competition.

The Brief / Overview
Competitors are asked to design a theatre for a particular performance, which will be defined by the competitor. This may be a conventional performance or something more experimental. We wish to encourage a deeper understanding of the relationship between the performance itself and the space which it inhabits. Collaborations between architects and other theatre practitioners such as directors, designers, technicians, actors, dancers, musicians, or students in those fields, will be welcomed.

The Site
The site for the competition is on the northeast bank of the river Spree in Berlin in an area known as the ʻHolzmarktʼ or ʻwood marketʼ. This part of the river Spree was the boundary between East and West Berlin during the years of the Berlin Wall and as a result became an undeveloped ʻno manʼs landʼ. Since the wall was demolished after unification in 1989 the area has developed slowly with a number of large new corporate buildings further to the east. In recent years the ʻHolzmarktʼ site, which sits between the river and a railway line, has been occupied by a co-operative who have erected a number of low cost temporary buildings and structures and use the site as a place for young Berliners to enjoy the river, to eat and drink and to hold cultural events and parties. The co-operative have recently won a bid for the development of the site with the support of a Swiss sustainable pension fund. On the opposite bank of the river is the ʻEisfabrikʼ a derelict 19thC ice-making factory and a squattersʼ camp site. This is therefore an ʻalternativeʼ kind of place in a state of transition. In the words of the co-operative: The Holzmarkt is the center of the neighbourhood – physically and spiritually, the market, the creative village, the club and the restaurant invite, surprise, inspire and entertain. Artists, artisans, musicians and hedonists create with and for each other.


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