Еще один конкурс от итальянского производителя кофе Lavazza посвящен обустройству кофе-поинтов в офисах. Разработать нужно два продукта: кофейную станцию с пространством для хранения посуды и продуктов, а также органайзер для капсул, пакетиков с сахаром, ложечек и т.д. Лучшие решения получат шанс на воплощение и запуск в производство.
Lavazza is looking for two new table-top products that will be positioned in proximity to a coffee machine (OCS, office coffee system) within refreshment areas, meeting rooms, hotels etc. The two products are A) a docking station onto which the coffee machine and cups/mugs can be placed and which presents a closable compartment where coffee-related products can be stored (pods, sugar packs, disposable teaspoons, etc.) and B) an organizer, an element to be positioned next to the coffee machine and which is meant to contain a range of products related to coffee consumption (pods, sugar packs, disposable teaspoons, etc.).
General objectives of the new collections:
• Improving service products fitting per sub-brand
• Optimizing product functionality and rationalization
• Aligning products with principles of environmental sustainability
• Improving product cost-efficiency and usage flexibility
• Promoting product positioning within premium/luxury contexts