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Планетарий: Олег Кудряшов и Петер Меркли. Дизайн Александра Бродского

выставка Арт, Архитектура
  дата: 17.04.2019 - 17.05.2019
  страна: Швейцария
  город: Цюрих
  адрес: ETH Zürich, Institut gta
Stefano Franscini-Platz 5
HIL C 75
8093 Zürich, Schweiz
  организатор: gta Ausstellungen
  ссылки: Страница выставки>>>
Александр Бродский
Петер Меркли
  PLANETARIUM: Oleg Kudryashov, Peter Märkli. Presented by Alexander Brodsky
  Выставка, подготовленная Александром Бродским, посвященна творчеству российского художника Олега Кудряшова и швейцарского архитектора Петера Меркли. Замысел в том, чтобы объединить в одном пространстве, в одной «вселенной», воображаемое и реальное. Главные герои, с одной стороны, противопоставлены друг другу – абстрактные, живые, взрывные работы Кудряшова против строгости и минимализма Меркли. С другой стороны, их объединяет стремление создать нечто прекрасное, работая с пространством и формой.

Посетителей также ждет небольшая экспозиция рисунков Александра Бродского, подготовленная в специально для выставки. Кроме того, здесь будет представлен макет Павильона водочных церемоний, построенного Бродским в Подмосковье в 2003 году. Макет в масштабе 1:8, созданный по фотографиям Юрия Пальмина, в подробностях воспроизводит оригинальный – ныне разобранный – павильон.
  Планета Бродского, 15.05.2019
We are pleased to announce Alexander Brodsky’s Planetarium, an exhibition dedicated to the Russian artist Oleg Kudryashov and the Swiss architect Peter Märkli. The two form an unexpected constellation, brought together within Brodsky’s creative universe. Devised by Brodsky in dialogue with curator Markus Lähteenmäki and gta exhibitions, the Planetarium displays and juxtaposes Märkli’s and Kudryashov’s creative practices. Both re-evaluate the ideas and rework the rules of their respective disciplines, as well as the traditions they are grounded on, both Modernist and earlier.

In the middle of the exhibition space, a mysterious container displays drawings and models by Peter Märkli, an architect whom Brodsky characterizes as “a solitary planet in the architectural skies”. The immersive “vehicle for seeing” will map the movements of this planet – the creative and rigorous moments of drawing, research and modelling, through which Märkli’s architectural imagination unfolds. The rest of the gallery will be taken over by the works of Oleg Kudryashov, in most cases executed in drypoint directly on zinc plate and printed on large sheets of paper, containing and effectively expressing the rigour of the process in all its power. Every mental movement and physical deviation is carved on zinc and reproduced on paper.

Kudryashov’s strong lines create oblique sceneries, at first abstract, but full of life and action, whereas Märkli seems to pose a strict juxtaposition against these exploding and dancing views with models and drawings that seem to follow an economy of the bare minimum. What unites them is the search for the beauty and necessary complexity within space and form to construct sceneries for life. The exhibition shows this creative search in between the plane, space and the oblique, from the tip of a pencil or a drypoint needle, to the zinc plate, to paper and to the worlds we inhabit in our lives and in our imagination. The Planetarium will offer a display, a space and a universe in between the real and the imaginary.


A small installation of drawings by Alexander Brodsky prepared as a response to the Planetarium will be displayed in the foyer space near the gallery.

1/8 Pavilion for Vodka Ceremonies, a new edition of Alexander Brodsky’s celebrated Pavilion originally built in 2003 and reiterated with Anton Gorlenko in assistance with Anton Gribanov, will be displayed to coincide with the exhibition.


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