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Universities Award 2019 - студенческий конкурс Лиссабонской архитектурной трианнале

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 30.04.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 30.04.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Португалия
  город: Лиссабон
  открыт для: студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: главный приз - €1500
  организатор: Lisbon Architecture Triennale
  ссылки: Официальная страница конкурса
  Lisbon Triennale Millennium Bcp Universities Award
  К участию в конкурсе Лиссабонской триеннале архитектуры приглашаются студенты-архитекторы со всего мира. Задание – спроектировать культурный центр для одного из районов португальской столицы. Предполагается, что там будут проводиться концерты, спектакли, кинопоказы, и общественные собрания. Лучшие работы будут представлены на выставке в рамках триеннале.
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Universities Award 2022 - студенческий конкурс Лиссабонской архитектурной трианнале

Лиссабонская архитектурная триеннале 2019
The urban project of Lisbon tends towards precise interventions, through projects of an architectural scale, that have as objective to galvanize the surrounding urban situation. The aim of the competition is to conceive a Community and Interpretive Centre. The project should also consider the metropolitan dimension, specific to the future condition of the site. In this sense, the project must have the ability to create a strong urban intensity through its architectural language.

The centre, of approximately three thousand square meters (3000m²), must explore the assembly of spatial necessities of different scales and functions. The scale of the community is transposed into one clear span space allowing the organization of concerts, theatre and dance shows, film screenings, and gatherings for at least five hundred (500) people. The collective scale is represented through working spaces like classrooms and workshops, associated to the exhibition and conviviality areas, such as a restaurant and a coffee shop. The project must also take into account a domestic dimension, and dedicate a special attention to the human scale. All the logistics of such a program must also be clearly thought.

The outside spaces of the site must seek an interaction with the built project, in order to become areas that embody an intensity of functions in the same way as the inside use of the cultural centre. Such as the description of constructive rationality as an organic system, where all the parts are interdependent one from another, the assembly of the different entities of the program should be thought in the same way. The functions of the building, existing on different scales one with each other, suggest a dense construction. The project will interrogate how each function can support the other function.


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