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Лиссабонская архитектурная триеннале 2019

выставка Архитектура
  дата: 03.10.2019 - 02.12.2019
  страна: Португалия
  город: Лиссабон
  организатор: Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa
  ссылки: Официальный сайт триеннале
  «The Poetics of Reason» - 5th Lisbon Architecture Triennale
  Лиссабонская триеннале архитектуры в 2019 пройдет под девизом «Поэтика разума» и будет включать 5 главных выставок, награды и конкурсы, конференции, кураторские проекты и другие мероприятия. Фестиваль пройдет уже в четвертый раз и по-прежнему главной темой остается современная архитектура. Здесь соберутся профессионалы со всего мира для обсуждения актуальных вопросов и демонстрации последних достижений архитектурной практики. Куратор триеннале – Эрик Лапьер.
связанные события:

Début Award 2019 - молодежная премия Лиссабонской архитектурной трианнале

Universities Award 2019 - студенческий конкурс Лиссабонской архитектурной трианнале

Лиссабонская архитектурная триеннале 2016

Лиссабонская архитектурная триеннале 2013

Лиссабонская архитектурная триеннале
Since 2007, the Lisbon Architecture Triennale is a non-profit association whose mission is to research, foster and promote architectural thinking and practice. We have been doing just that throughout the last 10 years with a myriad of activities. And we will mark 2019 with another edition of our major international forum, which once again promotes debate, discussion and the dissemination of architecture while crossing geographic and disciplinary boundaries.

The 5th edition of the Lisbon Architecture Triennale will be “The Poetics of Reason”. This title states that, for all its subjective and non-scientific dimension, architecture does rest on reason, and its aim is to shed light onto the specificity of this reason. Indeed, the fact that architecture is grounded into reason and rationality is key to its being understandable, i.e. shareable, by everyone, and not just by architects. More than ever before, it stands as a condition to define an architecture for our contemporary ordinary condition. As a result of a massification of construction – more buildings have been built since the beginning of the previous century than ever before – such a condition implies that everybody is entitled to understand architecture without a specific background in the field.

Each of the five exhibitions that compose the Triennale 2019 will take up one particular aspect or dimension of this theme, in an attempt to circumscribe the stakes of architectural rationality.


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