Biennial International Prize for Architecture "Barbara Cappochin"
В этом году на премию могут претендовать проекты, реализованные в период с июля 2014 года по июнь 2017 года. Постройки должны соответствовать одной из четырех категорий:
жилая архитектура;
коммерческая архитектура;
общественные здания;
устойчивое развитие городов.
Авторы лучших проектов будут приглашены в Италию для вручения наград.
Founded in remembrance of architecture student Barbara Cappochin, the biennial international prize for architecture is organized by the Barbara Cappochin Foundation and by the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of the Province of Padua.
All works including new buildings, extensions or requalification of existing buildings or landscape architecture completed between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2017. Architects or architectural firms of any nationality who are recognized by the professional association of architects in their country are eligible to submit works in the following categories:
Public and private residential architecture
Commercial, managerial and mixed architecture
Public architecture (educational, cultural, social-health, religious, sporting, recreational, landscape architecture)
Sustainable urban regeneration/eco-districts
Participants may, with the approval of the client or owner, submit one or more works, and must certify that all materials are their own designs.