Количество высотных зданий в Лондоне увеличивается с каждым годом. Растет и высота небоскребов! Галерея NLA (New London Architecture) провела собственное исследование, в котором проследила основные тенденции изменения высоток, их влияние на силуэт города и контекстуальную уместность в конкретных точках британской столицы. В рамках выставки запланировано также проведение различных круглых столов, конференций, лекций и экскурсий.
London is about to see an explosion in the number of tall buildings, as the capital's population increases and investors pour money into London real estate. NLA have found over 230 buildings over 20 storeys high in the pipeline to be built over the next decade.
NLA is conducting an Insight Study into tall buildings in the capital, researching the major changes that are impacting the capital's skyline, analysing why this growth is taking place and looking at the response of the planning system.
From 3 April to 12 June 2014, the results of the study will form the basis of a major exhibition ‘London’s Growing Up’ on show in the NLA galleries, which will be supported by an accompanying publication and a series of NLA events, including roundtable discussions, conferences, breakfast talks, walking tours and site visits.