Конкурс самостоятельно проводится норвежскими студентами-архитекторами без участия администрации их вузов с 2011 года.
Его уникальная особенность – в том, что задание остается тайной для участников до конца регистрации: лишь после этого им рассылается его текст, причем на разработку конкурсного проекта дается всего 120 часов, то есть 5 суток. В 2024 году участники должны были разработать проект нового здания для Национального музея искусства Андорры на указанном участке в столице страны – Андорре-ла-Велья.
In 2010, three students at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design wanted to create a new arena where Norwegian students could introduce themselves to the industry. They wanted to challenge, motivate and promote the most skilled, most innovative and committed students in the architecture profession. The result was the student competition 120 HOURS.
120 HOURS introduced a brand new competition format, where students are given 120 hours to solve a complex and socially relevant assignment. By addressing topical discussions in both public and architecture debate, the competition aims to be a contributor of new thoughts and discussions within both social and cultural discourse.
120 HOURS is an independent competition organized on a non-profit, voluntary basis without the involvement of a school administration. 120 aims to give students a voice in the current architectural discourse. It is challenging and fun to participate in, and gives students a relevant first encounter with architectural competitions. In short, we want to give deserving young talents a head start at the game.
As of now, 120 HOURS has become one of the world’s largest and most prestigious student-driven architecture competitions, created for and by architecture students. With some of the worlds most renowned architects as jury members…