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120 HOURS 2024 - архитектурный конкурс для студентов

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 06.04.2024
  dead-line подачи проектов: 06.04.2024
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Норвегия
  открыт для: студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: 1 место - 30 000 норвежских крон, 2 место - 15 000 норвежских крон, 3 место - 7 500 норвежских крон
  организатор: Студенческая организация 120 Hours
  контакты: [email protected]
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  120 HOURS 2024 - student-driven architecture competition
  Конкурс организован норвежскими студентами-архитекторами без участия администрации их вузов и проводится с 2011 года. Его уникальная особенность – в том, что задание остается тайной для участников до конца регистрации: лишь после этого им рассылается его текст, причем на разработку конкурсного проекта дается всего 120 часов, то есть пять суток. Тема прошлого года звучала как «Building Biographies:Tales of (un)Sustainability».

связанные события:

120 HOURS 2025 - архитектурный конкурс для студентов

120 HOURS 2019 - архитектурный конкурс для студентов

120 HOURS 2017 - архитектурный конкурс для студентов

120 HOURS 2016 - архитектурный конкурс для студентов

120 Hours + FutureBuilt - архитектурный конкурс

120 HOURS 2015 - архитектурный конкурс для студентов

120 HOURS 2014 - архитектурный конкурс для студентов

120 Hours - архитектурный конкурс для студентов
The world's largest architectural competition for students by students 5 days. 120 hours. 7200 minutes. 432 000 seconds. That is all the time you have to show us what you've got. The competition is 120 hours of intense work. Open for students from all over the world.

This year's assignment will be posted on April 1st at 2 PM UTC +02.00. The deadline is 120 hours later – April 6th at 2 PM UTC +02.00.

In 2010, three students at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design wanted to create a new arena where Norwegian students could introduce themselves to the industry. They wanted to challenge, motivate and promote the most skilled, most innovative and committed students in the architecture profession. The result was the student competition 120 HOURS.

120 HOURS introduced a brand new competition format, where students are given 120 hours to solve a complex and socially relevant assignment. By addressing topical discussions in both public and architecture debate, the competition aims to be a contributor of new thoughts and discussions within both social and cultural discourse.

120 HOURS is an independent competition organized on a non-profit, voluntary basis without the involvement of a school administration. 120 aims to give students a voice in the current architectural discourse. It is challenging and fun to participate in, and gives students a relevant first encounter with architectural competitions. In short, we want to give deserving young talents a head start at the game.

As of now, 120 HOURS has become one of the world’s largest and most prestigious student-driven architecture competitions, created for and by architecture students. With some of the worlds most renowned architects as jury members… …and this is just the beginning.

There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this competition.

Closing date for entries will be on the time and date stated in the competition announcement. After this date no further entries to the competition will be permitted.

You can either enter as a single person, or in teams of up to three people working together. All participating team members must provide a valid copy of their student id. If you are a student on leave, or you are in the process of transitioning between a graduate and a post-graduate degree (BA. to MA> or similar) you must provide an ID from your previous school and state that you still intend to continue your studies within one year.

1st prize: 30 000 NOK, 2nd prize: 15 000 NOK, 3rd prize: 7500 NOK.


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