Конкурсантам необходимо представить проекты воображаемых городских пространств, которые будут демонстрироваться при помощи технологий дополненной реальности (AR) на территории галереи «Серпентайн» летом 2019 года. Работы должны отражать потенциал использования AR в архитектурном проектировании и исследовании городов.
The reality of the city today is a complex layering of topologies where our physical and digital worlds collide. The digital has mechanised the architecture of the city to create an increasingly elaborate relationship between the built environment, networked technologies and human experience. Augmented reality presents a significant moment within architectural practice; one that radically challenges our understanding of city spaces and the environment by creating a highly visible interface between the physical and digital (infra)structures that surround us.
We invite you to consider the role and utility of AR within this complex topography of the city; as a digital layer that offers new opportunities for design, visualisation and experience. Proposals should explore how AR can be used to develop, transform and enact new ideas about how our cities and public spaces are designed.