Галерея ICARCH предлагает принять участие в архитектурном конкурсе и спроектировать дом для Уильяма Шекспира в преддверии 400-летия со дня его смерти. Фантазия конкурсантов ничем не ограничена. Возможно, если создать дом для самого поэта окажется сложной и даже невыполнимой задачей, стоит предложить идею дома для одного из героев его произведений.
Is it possible to imagine A HOUSE FOR WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE…? Probably not. Myriad of houses, perhaps… or none. How to translate into architecture the vastness of his universe…? To imagine A House for William Shakespeare is as difficult as A House for Ludwig van Beethoven. But then, shouldn’t we try…?
Maybe A House for William Shakespeare is very, very difficult, if not impossible… but maybe A HOUSE FOR HAMLET, or A HOUSE FOR OTHELLO, or A HOUSE FOR ROMEO AND JULIET is not so improbable.
So yes, by the way of the 400 years since his death, we invite you to imagine / build, for the most challenging “client”: William Shakespeare. We wouldn’t call him though Bill Shakespeare, as The New Yorker magazine did, once… we still prefer the longer, integral form of his first name: William.
Please send us ANY work, ANY size and ANY format that responds to this “simple” theme