Участвовать в конкурсе могут любые интерьерные объекты, которые имеют отношение к среде обитания человека. Приветствуется использование новых материалов и инновационных технологий, однако ключевым аспектом является уникальность идеи. Лучшие работы будут представлены на биеннале Interieur 2016, которая пройдет в Бельгии в октябре будущего года.
The focus of the Interieur Awards is on our living environment. Our habitat takes central place in this year’s competition.
Have you recently designed a new object that might be relevant to the living environment? We are looking for objects which help us to bring cohesion in a space. We are keen to explore the impact of new materials and technologies on such objects, and how they can have a transforming influence. Also how new potential can be achieved with traditional materials. And potentially how objects work in or with the internet of things.
Every object that fits into a living environment is allowed in the competition, whether it is aimed at general use or developed with a particular niche market in mind.