Тема конкурса «120 часов»-2015 - экспериментальное сохранение наследия.
Конкурс, проводящийся с 2010, организован норвежскими студентами-архитекторами без участия администрации их вузов. Его уникальная особенность – в том, что задание остается тайной для участников до конца регистрации: лишь после этого им рассылается его текст, причем на разработку конкурсного проекта дается лишь 120 часов, то есть пять суток.
В этом году впервые заранее известна тема конкурса: экспериментальное сохранение наследия. Сохранение наследия до сих пор определяется Венецианской хартией (1964), но насколько ее положения актуальны сегодня? Не должны ли мы поддержать новый, экспериментальный подход к этой проблеме?
5 days. 120 hours. 7200 minutes. 432000 seconds.
That is all the time you have to show us what you’ve got.
The competition is 120 hours of intense work. Open for students from all over the world. You can either enter as a single person, or in teams of up to three persons working together.
The assignment will be released February 9th 2015, at 14.00 (GMT+1) and from that point on you have 120 hours to work, work, work, before entry closes on Saturday 14th of February 2015 at 14.00 (GMT+1).
Remember that we are called 120 HOURS, so even though we are the nicest bunch of people, there is no mercy when it comes to our time limit. If you are late, you are too late.
This year we want you to challenge the traditional concepts of preservation, to question existing frameworks and experiment beyond these sets of rules.
EXPERIMENTAL PRESERVATION - responsibly radical?
Architectural preservation can be seen as a practice that still to this day is largely governed by the universal set of strategies set out in the Venice Charter of 1964. But to what extent are such international guidelines still relevant?
Shouldn’t we encourage a more experimental approach, reinterpreting the old as we formulate the new? This year we want you to challenge the traditional concepts of preservation, to question existing frameworks and experiment beyond these sets of rules. In return, we promise you an exceptional site from which to develop your ideas, enrich the debate and shed light on the future of preservation in architecture.