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McKim, Mead & White: The Masterworks
McKim, Mead & White: The Masterworks
White Samuel G., White Elizabeth
McKim, Mead & White: The Masterworks.
выходные данные
Издательство: Rizzoli
Год издания: 2010
During its most creative period (1879-1915), McKim, Mead & White received nearly 1,000 commissions, which include many of the most famous and important buildings ever built in America-among them, and included here in lavish new photography, are the Boston Public Library, Madison Square Garden, Washington Memorial Arch, Morgan Library, the campuses of Columbia and Harvard universities, Pennsylvania Station in New York (archival photos), the American Academy in Rome, and the Harvard, Metropolitan, and University clubs in New York. An unprecedented tribute to this legendary firm, McKim, Mead & White: The Masterworks is certain to stand the test of time as one of the most important publications in architecture.

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