Выставка посвящена исследованию человеческих пропорций, которым всю жизнь занимался Ле Корбюзье – как архитектор, живописец, скульптор. Тело человека, согласно его концепции, является универсальной «мерой», определяющей многие аспекты архитектуры и, более широко, любых пространственных композиций. На выставке будут представлены источники, которые легли в основу Модулора, разработанной Ле Корбюзье системы пропорций, соразмерных человеческим и применимых в архитектуре.
Алексей Тарханов.
Архитектуру измерили человечностью// The Art Newspaper Россия, 09.05.2015
The Centre Pompidou is devoting a retrospective to the work of Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, aka Le Corbusier. Not only a visionary architect, urban planner and theorist of modernity, but also a painter and sculptor, Le Corbusier made a profound impression on the 20th century in dramatically changing architectural design and the way people lived in it. The Centre Pompidou invites audiences to grasp the output of this major figure in modernity through the idea of human proportions, the human body being essential as a universal principle defining all aspects of architecture and spatial composition.
The design of the Modulor (1944), the silhouette of a human body 1.83 m tall, formalised a system of proportions based on the golden section, enabling the construction of a harmony defined by human morphology. And yet the Modulor – which established itself as a genuine normative system for numerous architects, governing the form of interiors and the proportion of buildings alike – seems to have been interpreted as a metrical instrument, a purely abstract measurement for organising architecture according to a geometrical rationale.
The exhibition examines the sources of Le Corbusier's conception of the human body: a body in motion, which defined his idea of eurythmia (one of his Five Points of Architecture: a "harmonious rhythm" and graceful proportions). He began to explore this principle in the early 1910s under the influence of the school at Hellerau, a garden city near Dresden, where his brother Albert Jeanneret was studying with the composer and music teacher Émile Jaques-Dalcroze. In this place so conducive to artistic experimentation, Dalcroze developed eurythmics, a method of learning and experiencing music and dance through movement based on physical perception and cognition of space defined by interactions between space, time and energy. These ideas profoundly influenced Le Corbusier.