Mark Bassin (Center for Baltic and East European Studies, Södertörn University), Birgit Beumers (University of Bristol), John Bowlt (University of Southern California – Institute of Modern Russian Culture), David Crowley (Royal College of Art), Nicholas de Mesquita (The Courtauld Instiute of Art), Evgeny Dobrenko (University of Sheffield), Maria Kokkori (The Courtauld Institute of Art), Christina Lodder (University of Edinburgh), Maria Mileeva (The Courtauld Institute of Art), John Milner (The Courtauld Institute of Art), Mike O’Mahony (University of Bristol), Richard Pare (photographer, curator), Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov (University of Cambridge), Maria Starkova (The Courtauld Institute of Art), Maria Tsantsanoglou (State Museum of Contemporary Art – The George Costakis Collection), Sarah Wilson (The Courtauld Institute of Art)