Архитектурная графика
dead-line подачи заявки:
дата объявления победителей:
дата награждения победителей:
открыт для:
профессионалов и студентов
регистрационный взнос:
Победители разделят призовой фонд более £125 000, включая денежные призы, публикации и награды от партнеров. Лучшие работы будут представлены на выставке в Лондоне и продемонстрированы на платформе Archisource.
Archisource Limited – международная архитектурная и дизайнерская платформа
Соискателям премии предлагается представить рисунки, связанные с архитектурой и застроенной средой, выполненные в различных стилях и техниках, включая цифровые и традиционные инструменты.
The Drawing of the Year Awards have become the ultimate accolade in visual representations in architecture, the arts, design and the built environment. 2025 marks the sixth year of the aspirational Awards which recognise excellence in drawing and image creation, celebrating imagery and creations across all styles, typologies, and across digital and physical media.
The Drawing of the Year Awards have become one of the largest and most accessible Awards of its kind with the 2025 prize roster amounting to over £125,000 worth of prizes.
“The Awards were formed both as a celebration of creativity, but also as a needed disruptor within the creative Awards industry. Inclusivity and accessibility are at the heart of the mission of the Awards, and we are very proud to host the Awards rightfully recognising talents without fees or barriers to be celebrated. We strongly believe that creativity incites creativity - our mission as a collective has been to provide a platform for showcasing the most inspiring creators and inspire so many more in that process.”