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премия международный открытый Дизайн
  dead-line подачи заявки: 30.04.2025
  страна: США
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: профессионалы от $209, студенты от $59
  награда: Победители получают памятный знак и публикацию своих работ на платформе un Design Awards.
  • SILAS CHIOW, Partner & Chief Strategist / urbangene, China
  • EVA JIRICNA, Partner / Architecture Interior DESIGN(AI DESIGN), The Czech Republic
  • BEN WEBB, Founder & Managing Director / 3Stories, the United Kingdom
  • LEENDERT TANGE, Creative Partner / Storage-Group, United States of America
  • BARRY ALAN YOAKUM, Partner & CEO / Archimania, United States of America
и другие
  организатор: Международная ассоциация конкурсов (International Competition Association)
  ссылки: Официальный сайт премии
  un Design Award – международная премия, основанная на философии неопределённости. Частица un может означать undefined (неопределённый), unique (уникальный) или unlimited (безграничный), отражая стремление к свободе творчества. Премия отмечает наиболее значимые и новаторские дизайнерские решения, выходящие за рамки традиционных стандартов. Тема 2025 года – The Self is the World («Личность – это мир»).

© undesignawards.com
The un Design Award represent an insoluble proposition and a romantic quest. The most interesting aspect lies in the variety of interpretations that different people can bring to it. "un" can stand for "undefined", reflecting our belief that life is a wilderness, not a track. By shedding labels and refusing to be defined, one can be a square with curves or a circle with edges, without overly concerning oneself with others' standards - the world is your own. "un" can also signify "unique", as the homogeneity of templates can never satisfy the diverse expectations of the market. Creativity involves creation and innovation, and is a unique expression born of deep reflection. Furthermore, "un" could mean "unlimited", where the emergence of rules signifies a shift from disorder to order. However, for creators, there should be no limits to the shapes and boundaries of imagination.

Initiated in Washington, D.C., USA, the un Design Award is an annual international design competition launched by the International Competition Association (ICA). Centered around the theme "The Self is the World," the competition embraces an operational philosophy of being "undefined". Its aim is to discover and recognize the most influential, outstanding designs and innovative talents worldwide.


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