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Дизайн, который обучает 2025

премия международный открытый Дизайн
  dead-line подачи заявки: 30.04.2025
  дата объявления победителей: 15.06.2025
  дата награждения победителей: 15.09.2025
  страна: Польша
  открыт для: студентов, профессионалов, компаний
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: Студенты: 50 USD; Профессионал / Компания < 10 сотрудников: 175 USD; Компания 11 – 100 сотрудников: 350 USD; Компания 100+ сотрудников: 600 USD
  награда: Победители получают: 1) Пакеты победителей с сертификатами; 2) Включение в ежегодник; 3) Участие в выставке с подтверждением сертификатами; 4) Церемония награждения в Германии; 5) Упоминание в пресс-китах; 6) Продвижение в СМИ спонсорами и партнерами.
  • Prof. Toyo Ito, Architect, founder of Toyo Ito & Associates, laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize
  • Prof. Barbara Holzer, Architect, lecturer, cofounder and director of Holzer Kobler Architekturen
  • Prof. Rainer Mahlamäki, Partner & Co-Founder, Lahdelma & Mahlamäki architects
  • Doriana Mandrelli Fuksas, Architect and designer, leading "Fuksas Design"
  • Prof. Thomas Schroepfer, SUTD, Director Future Cities Laboratory Global Singapore-ETH Centre
  • Francine Houben, Creative Director/Founding Partner at Mecanoo
  • David Basulto, Founder, CEO, editor-in-chief of Archdaily
  • Prof. Benedetta Tagliabue, Principal Architect and Co-Founder of EMBT
  • Julie Payette, Founding Partner of v2com newswire, publicist
  • Oskar Zięta, Architect, artist and process designer, founder and CEO of Zieta Studio. 
  • Martin Reuter, Architect, Managing Director at ingenhoven associates
  • Dr Peter Kuczia, Architect, founder of Kuczia Architects, initiator of the ‘Design that Educates Awards’
  организатор: Laka Foundation
  ссылки: Официальный сайт премии
  Design Educates Awards 2025
  Премия Design Educates Awards 2025 отмечает проекты, демонстрирующие образовательный потенциал дизайна и архитектуры. Участвовать могут как реализованные, так и концептуальные проекты, созданные за последние 5 лет. Оцениваются не только эстетика и техническое исполнение, но и способность проекта передавать знания, формировать ценности, вызывать эмоции и в итоге влиять на поведение конечного пользователя. Отдельная номинация предусмотрена для студентов.

© designeducates.com
связанные события:

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You might be asking yourselves, ‘Do we really need another architecture and design competition?’

There are plenty of architecture and design awards that recognise and promote the ‘beauty’ of successful designs. But we wanted to go one step further. We don’t just want to see aesthetically and technically pleasing designs – we want something that offers true added value. We want an additional benefit with long-term implications that takes into account the increasing complexity of our lives, both now and in the future. Something that will have a lasting influence beyond the ever-present effects of design and architecture.

The visual arts and, even more obviously, language have long been accepted as forms of expression that have a social – and even political – impact. But even design and architecture, although generally quieter disciplines, can send messages. In fact, they have an indisputably direct impact on the way we live together – on the ‘How’ and the ‘Where’. On an indirect level, they can generate awareness of larger social issues, and thus have an educational effect.

Thought, feelings and change are everywhere. Everything around us, everything we touch, everywhere we stand, everything we interact with, stimulates us and creates something new.

Dr. Peter Kuczia, Initiator and Curator of the DEAwards

What We Are Looking For

We are looking for creative, innovative projects (completed or concepts) of any scale that, in addition to excellent aesthetics, incorporate added value—such as educational potential, storytelling elements, the stimulation of critical thinking, the ability to influence users’ emotions or behavior, and an impact on perception or encompass other similar values. The projects should not be older than 5 years.


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