всех (номинация Design for Change), студентов и выпускников архитектурных вузов (номинация Academic Excellence)
регистрационный взнос:
от $20
Design for Change: 1 место $600, 2 место $200, 3 место $100, 20 упоминаний по $50
Academic Excellence: 1 место $600, 2 место $300, 3 место $100, 20 упоминаний по $50
Showcasing innovation and excellence in architecture
Соискателям премии предлагается представить проекты в одной из двух номинаций:
1. Design for Change – архитектурные проекты для помощи беженцам войны, включая не только жилье, но также образовательные, медицинские и общественные сооружения и пространства.
2. Academic Excellence – проекты, созданные студентами и выпускниками вузов в рамках образовательных программ.
Премия отмечает архитектурные проекты, сочетающие инновации с гуманистическим подходом и способные менять жизнь людей к лучшему.
Select between two categories that embody ATX Design of the Year. Whether showcasing an academic project or a real-world solution, this competition emphasizes innovation, creativity, and architecture's impact on meaningful change.
Design for Change
Creating Solutions for Refugees of War
The Design for Change category invites participants to tackle one of today’s most critical global challenges: developing architectural solutions for refugees of war. As a conceptual design category, it encourages creative and visionary approaches that address a specific aspect of the refugee experience.
Participants are invited to choose a specific area of need such as housing, community spaces, education, healthcare, or any other area they consider impactful and propose a creative architectural solution. The aim is to move beyond short-term relief, exploring how architecture can provide enduring, dignified, and resilient solutions for displaced communities.
Participants are free to choose any site and propose design solutions, the emphasis is on impactful, thoughtful designs that consider both immediate and future needs. Competition Eligibility: The competition is open to everyone
Academic Excellence
Showcase Your Best Academic Project
The Academic Excellence category celebrates the hard work, creativity, and dedication of students and recent graduates by showcasing their best academic projects. Participants are invited to submit designs that were developed during their architectural studies, whether it’s a thesis, studio project, or any academic design project.
Participants will have the opportunity to be recognized and rewarded for their work outside the studio. The competition offers international exposure and the chance to gain feedback from a distinguished panel of architects and industry professionals. Competition Eligibility: Architecture students and recent graduates