International Award Domus Restoration and Preservation Fassa Bortolo
Соискателям премии предлагается представить проекты, связанные с реставрацией и сохранением исторической архитектуры. Премия делится на две основные категории:
1. Профессиональные проекты. Категория открыта для архитекторов и дизайнеров, которые реализовали проекты реставрации, консервации или приспособления под новые функции объектов культурного наследия.
2. Дипломные работы. Участники могут быть выпускниками или студентами, представившими свои выпускные квалификационные работы на тему сохранения ОКН.
Кроме того, учреждена специальная премия за использование технологий BIM (Building Information Modeling). Она отмечает лучшие проекты, использующие цифровые BIM-технологии в реставрации, что позволяет не только восстанавливать здания, но и внедрять инновационные методы проектирования.
Historical pre-existences and architecture X Edition - Call for Applications 2024-2025
The International Architectural Restoration Award, named "Domus Restoration and Preservation Fassa Bortolo," was conceived and promoted in 2010 by Fassa S.r.l., owner of the "Fassa Bortolo" brand, and the Architecture Department of the University of Ferrara. The award is enriched with the specification "Historical pre-existences and architecture."
The award aims to bring public attention to architectural works that understand conservation as a cultural necessity and have enhanced historical pre-existences while respecting their authenticity as layered palimpsests, through a conscious design culture.
Art. 2 - THE AWARD
The award is held annually and is divided into two sections, alternating every two years:
"Build Projects" section: Gold and silver medals will be awarded to private or public sector designers and restoration companies responsible for the completed works.
"Projects Developed as Thesis” section: Gold and silver medals will be awarded to projects deemed deserving by the jury for specific aspects.
For this 10th edition, in 2024-2025, the competing category will be "Projects Developed as Thesis”.
Since 2020, the initiative also includes the Special Prize – “Digital BIM Technologies" (a section dedicated to those theses that have used digital innovations, especially BIM applications, in the analysis and design process, with particular attention to the informative potential of such tools), which takes place concurrently with the "Domus Restoration and Preservation. Historical pre-existences and architecture" - Projects Developed as Thesis section.
For the 2024-2025 edition, the total prize fund will be €8,000, distributed as follows:
One prize (and gold medal) to the winner of the "Projects Developed as Thesis” section, amounting to €3,000;
Two prizes (and silver medals) to the runners-up in the "Projects Developed as Thesis” section, amounting to €2,000 each;
One prize of €1,000 for the winner of the Special Prize - Digital BIM Technologies.
The jury, if deemed appropriate, may assign additional Special Mentions and redistribute the prize fund accordingly.
The Special Prize aims to recognize thesis works (Master’s Degree, Postgraduate School, Master's, and Doctorate) developed using BIM-related methodologies, tools, protocols, and systems. This recognition was established to fully acknowledge those who have integrated digital technologies into the development of their thesis as tools for knowledge, documentation, management, and enhancement of the architectural heritage subject to preservation and restoration project, beyond mere 3D modeling.
Applications for the Award (and optionally for the Special Prize if requirements are met) can be submitted by individuals or groups who have defended a "Thesis" in the last five years upon completing studies in Architecture or Engineering-Architecture degree programs or equivalent educational courses. In case of group submissions, only the group leader needs to register.
Master’s Degree, Postgraduate School, Master's, and Doctoral Theses are eligible. For bachelor’s degree theses, a minimum score of 100/110 is required.