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Международная премия в области «устойчивой» архитектуры

премия международный открытый Архитектура
  dead-line подачи заявки: 20.01.2025
  дата объявления победителей: 15.04.2026
  дата награждения победителей: 15.04.2026
  страна: Франция
  открыт для: архитекторов, городских планировщиков и ландшафтных архитекторов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  жюри: • Dr. Jana Revedin, architect and Founding President of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture™, Venice, Italy
• Marie-Hélène Contal, architect, Dean of the Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture, Paris, France
• Prof. Dr. Jacopo Galli, architect, Università IUAV di Venezia, Venice, Italy
• Prof. Dr. Spela Hudnik, architect, Ljubljana University, Slovenia
• Prof. Dr. Deniz Incedayi, architect, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkey
• Prof. Dr. James Steele, architecture historian, PSU University Riyad, Saudi Arabia
• The UIA juror Prof. Dr. Ashraf M. Salama, architect, Co-Director of the UNESCO-UIA Education Council
• The UIA alternate juror (without vote) Prof. Nuno Soares, architect, Co-Director of the UNESCO-UIA Validation Council
• Prof. Marta Maccaglia, architect, Lima, Peru
• Prof. Boonserm Premthada, architect, Bangkok, Thailand
  организатор: Научный комитет Международной премии в области «устойчивой» архитектуры при поддержке компании Saint-Gobain.
  ссылки: Официальный сайт премии
  Global Award for Sustainable Architecture
  Премия с 2007 ежегодно отмечает 5 ныне живущих архитекторов, городских планировщиков и ландшафтных архитекторов, достигших выдающихся результатов в сфере «устойчивости».

Соискателям премии, которая вручается уже в 19-й раз, предлагается стать частью сообщества архитекторов, которые исследуют и развивают подходы к «устойчивой» архитектуре, как в аспекте ресурсоэффективности, так и в социальном смысле.

Международная премия в области «устойчивой» архитектуры была учреждена немецким архитектором и исследователем Яной Реведин, а с 2011 сопровождающий премию симпозиум проводится под эгидой ЮНЕСКО. В 2024 премия получила поддержку Международного союза архитекторов (UIA). Вместо финансового вознаграждения лауреаты становятся частью сообщества для обмена знаниями и идеями, которое из think tank со временем превратилось в do tank – реальную движущую силу изменений.

Тема 2026 года – «Архитектура – это трансформация», подчеркивающая, что архитектура может и должна быть мощным инструментом адаптации и переосмысления архитектуры в контексте охраны окружающей среды.

© globalawardforsustainablearchitecture.com
The Scientific Committee of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture™ Announces the Launch of Its 19th Cycle.

The unseen economic, ecological, social, and cultural challenges facing contemporary societies are being addressed by architects and planners as they search for a new definition of progress and the right balance between man and the environment. The understanding of design as a collective process based on shared ethics, methods, and experiments has been rewarded since 2007 by the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture™, an honor created by the architect and scholar Jana Revedin in partnership with international universities as scientific partners. Since 2011, the Global Award Symposium is placed under UNESCO’s patronage. In 2024, the Award received the endorsement of the UIA.

Rather than offering financial rewards, a community based on dialogue and the exchange of knowledge and visions has been created—a think tank that, over time, has become a “do tank” and driver of change.
The purpose of the Award is to honor annually five living architects, urban or landscape designers who are moving toward sustainability. 
Their work offers clear insights into the search for an ecologically responsible contemporary architecture which is:
  • fully in step with the ethical, civil, and social concerns of today
  • innovative in the areas of ecology, energy, materials, and technology
  • progressive in its search for new standards for both public and private facilities.

The 2026 Theme: “Architecture Is Transformation”

After having investigated the sources of architectural and urban innovation with “Architecture Is Experimentation” in 2023, the possible transdisciplinary transmission of sustainable design goals with “Architecture Is Education” in 2024, and courageously innovative and adaptive scenarios of building processes with “Architecture Is Construction” in 2025, the Scientific Jury of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture™ has decided to become even more visionary in 2026. How can architecture welcome, embrace and foster transformation? How can we transform the existing built environment, protected or not, transform urban and rural infrastructures, architectural materialities and immaterialities? How can collective intelligence, cutting edge technological tools and experimental design processes emancipate our clients and users, all in the service of equality? 

We invite all architects, designers, urban and landscape designers around the world to submit entries for studied or built projects, for work related to research, writing, and experimentation, which demonstrates innovation and design quality and plays a significant role in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations.

The Global Award for Sustainable Architecture™ recognizes a nominee’s professional, scientific, social, and political engagement, not single projects.


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