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Премия 2A Continental Architectural Awards 2024

премия международный открытый Архитектура
  dead-line подачи заявки: 15.08.2024
  дата объявления победителей: 26.11.2024
  дата награждения победителей: 26.11.2024
  страна: ОАЭ
  город: Дубай
  открыт для: архитекторов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: Предварительный отбор: бесплатно. Финальное судейство: один проект €249, два проекта €449, три проекта €600
  награда: Победители получают признание на международном уровне, публикацию своих проектов в журнале 2A Magazine, а также возможность выступить на торжественной церемонии награждения в Дубае и представить свои работы широкой аудитории специалистов в области архитек
  • Sandra Woodall, RIBA
  • Gisela Lohlein
  • Farah Naz
  • Bhakti More
  • Courtenay Bauer, AIA
  • Shirin Samadian
  • Anna Nervegna
  организатор: Журнал 2A Magazine
  ссылки: Официальный сайт премии
  2A Continental Architectural Awards 2024: Inspiring Innovation
  Проекты соискателей премии будут оцениваться в два этапа: предварительный отбор и финальное судейство.

Критерии отбора – новаторство идей, соблюдение принципов устойчивого развития и внимание авторов проекта к культурно-историческому, социальному, физическому контексту их архитектурных сооружений.

Участники могут представить свои работы в различных категориях: жилые и коммерческие здания, учреждения культуры, общественные пространства, ландшафтная архитектура и интерьеры.

© 2acaa.com

© 2acaa.com
The 2A Continental Architectural Awards (2ACAA) have been organised by 2A Magazine, led by Ahmad Zohadi. These awards recognize exceptional projects that spark important discussions about contemporary architecture and design. Thanks to the broad readership of 2A magazine and the global architecture community, individuals from every corner of the globe have a unique opportunity to showcase their architectural endeavors and receive recognition, with Ahmad at the helm.

Theme: “Innovative Contextual Architecture in the Continents”

The 2A Continental Architectural Awards program, remains a prominent platform for showcasing Innovative Contextual Architecture. It seeks to spotlight the ambitious and groundbreaking design ventures spearheaded by the world’s most inventive architects. By emphasizing innovation, sustainability, and digitalization, we pay tribute to those who are redefining the limits of architecture. The Architecture Awards will consider factors such as enhanced efficiency and innovation, recognizing those who lead the way in their field and shape the future of the architecture and design industry.

In our endeavor to unearth the finest architectural talent globally and identify trendsetters in terms of their work and aesthetics, we extend an invitation to participate in this competition. For the 10th edition of the 2A Continental Architectural Awards, we urge you to partake in shaping the future of architecture. Register your Architecture and Design projects between July 1st to Aug 15th, and seize the opportunity to present your work and garner the recognition it deserves.

Open to All Architectural Projects Worldwide

This year, we have introduced an additional category called ‘Visionary Architects and Studios.’ In this category, both studios and individual architects will have the opportunity to showcase their work. Their submissions will be evaluated based on the projects they have undertaken, and they will be carefully considered for recognition.


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