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Перинатальный центр в Сенегале

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 14.05.2024
  dead-line подачи проектов: 11.06.2024
  дата объявления результатов: 09.07.2024
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Сенегал
  открыт для: студентов и молодых архитекторов в возрасте от 18 до 35 лет
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от 60 до 120 евро
  награда: 1-е место – 5000 евро, 2-е место – 2000 евро, 3-е место – 1000 евро
  жюри: Kengo Kuma – KKAA Japan, China, France
Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT Architects Spain
Mario Cucinella – Mario Cucinella Architects Italy
Agostino Ghiradelli – SBGA | Blengini Ghirardelli Italy
Tosin Oshinowo – Oshinowo Studio Nigeria
Urko Sanchez – Urko Sanchez Architects Spain / Kenya
Raul Pantaleo TAM Associati Italy
Emmanuelle Moureaux – Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture Japan
Driss Kettani Maroc
Saad El Kabbaj Maroc
Mohamed Amine Siana Maroc
  организатор: Balouo Salo (Италия)
  контакты: [email protected]
  ссылки: Подробнее о конкурсе>>>
  Kaira Looro 2024 - Maternity Centre
  Цель конкурса – выбрать архитектурный проект для перинатального центра в сельской местности на юге Сенегала.
Строительство должно вестись силами местных жителей, без участия квалифицированного персонала или строительных компаний, без тяжелой техники, но с применением экологически чистых технологий и местных материалов.

© Kaira Looro
связанные события:

Детский сад в Сенегале

Дом ребенка в Сенегале

Дом для женщин в Сенегале

Центр управления чрезвычайными ситуациями

Культурный центр в Сенегале

Сакральная архитектура
Kaira Looro Architecture Competition is a design contest open to students and young architects with aims to discover new talents and to adopt sustainable architecture models for humanitarian purpose to improve life conditions in developing countries. Cash prizes, Internship and construction are provided for winners, selected by an international jury made up of pregistous architectural firms.

The challenge of 2024's edition is to design a ‘Maternity Centre’ in Southern of Senegal. We are looking for a ‘Maternity Centre’ facility where women can feel safe, receive essential medical care, and enjoy optimal sanitary conditions as well as the presence of qualified medical staff.

The Project

The objective of this competition is to select an architectural design for a Maternity Centre, offering healthcare throughout pregnancy. We are looking for an innovative model – an emblematic, cosy and professional place where every woman can feel safe. The building must be designed as a humanitarian operation and for self-construction, i.e., without qualified personnel or construction companies, with the direct participation of the local community, without the use of heavy vehicles, and with sustainable technologies and local materials.


1ST PRIZE 5.000 € + Building + Internship at KKAA Exhibition & Events, Publication on the book, Certificate
2ND PRIZE 2.000 € + Internship at EMBT Architects Exhibition & Events, Publication on the book, Certificate
3RD PRIZE 1000 € + Internship at SBGA Exhibition & Events, Publication on the book, Certificate
2 HONORABLE MENTIONS Exhibition & Events, Publication on the book, Certificate
5 SPECIAL MENTIONS Exhibition & Events, Publication on the book, Certificate
20 FINALISTS + 20 TOP 50 Exhibition & Events, Publication on the book, Certificate


Participants can enter individually or in teams with a maximum of 5 people. At least one member must be 35 or under (at the time of registration). The registration fee varies depending on when registration is made, as indicated below: Early registration - €60/team Normal registration - €90/team Late registration - €120/team.

Registrations “Early registration”: 12nd Jan - 29th Febr 2024 (h 11.59 pm UTC+0) “Normal registration” : 1st March - 8th Apr 2024 (h 11.59 pm UTC+0) “Late registration ” : 9th Apr - 14th May 2024 (h 11.59 pm UTC+0)

Project submission deadline | 11st June 2024 (h 11.59 pm UTC+0)

Jury evaluation | 23rd June - 29th June 2024

Winner annoucements | 9th July 2024

Notes: The distinction between “standard”, “normal” or “late” registration does not affect the delivery date for the designs, which is unequivocally set. Visit the official website www.kairalooro.com to join the competition.

The competition is open to anyone who wishes to register. Each participant must be between 18 and 35 years of age at the time of registration, upon verification of a valid identity document. Registration to compete in the ‘Kaira Looro’ Competition can be done individually or in a team. In case of team participation, a maximum of 5 participants can register as a team and at least one team member must not be older than 35 years old at the time of registration.The Team Leader chosen by the team is the only individual authorized to interface with the organizers of the ‘Kaira Looro’ competition, except when, in case of necessity, another participant is delegated with this task.


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