Награда вручается журналом Design Skill и призвана помочь дизайнерам и архитекторам получить международное признание. Принять участие можно в одной из нескольких из 17 категорий, среди которых: архитектура, интерьер, ландшафт, мебель, освещение, мода, упаковка и др.
Источник: designskill.org
Introducing a global platform where designers can showcase their talents, thereby achieving international recognition and honor.
We honor and elevate a diverse array of exceptional designs that originate from various corners of the world.
Open to everyone from well-respected design firms to emerging solo innovators, the Design Skill Awards acknowledge the full spectrum of creative excellence.
Our state-of-the-art digital platform is carefully crafted to provide an inclusive, groundbreaking, and user-friendly experience, maintaining the highest standards of transparency throughout the awarding process.
Committed to setting the gold standard in various creative fields, including Digital Design, Graphic Artistry, Animation, User Experience, and Multimedia Creation, the Design Skill Awards aim to be an unparalleled benchmark of excellence.