11-й международный архитектурный конкурс компании Wienerberger среди построек с применением керамических стройматериалов
Участвовать в конкурсе могут объекты, реализованные не ранее 2020 года. Обязательным условием является применение керамических стройматериалов любых производителей. Из всех заявок, поступивших на конкурс, жюри из архитектурных журналистов и критиков выберет 50 построек, которые и будут претендовать на премию в пяти категориях.
For more than one decade now, Wienerberger AG has been hosting the international Brick Award every two years, providing a stage for excellent brick architecture and its architects.
Wienerberger initiated the Brick Award for the first time in 2004 in order to put this natural building material into the spotlight, demonstrating how exciting, exceptional and modern architecture using brick can be.
Although Wienerberger is the host of the award, it is an independent award and the use of Wienerberger products is no decisive factor for participation. Over the last years, projects have been submitted from all over the world and nominations as well as winners have been chosen using a wide range of manufacturers and brick types in all colours and shapes. In a dialogue with you, architects and architecture fans as well as critics, we want to further strengthen the public focus on the aesthetic and functional aspects of this great building material.