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A' Design Award & Competition 2023

премия международный открытый Архитектура, Дизайн
  dead-line подачи заявки: 28.02.2023
  дата объявления победителей: 15.04.2023
  дата награждения победителей: 15.04.2023
  страна: Международная
  регистрационный взнос: да
  организатор: OMC Design Studios SRL
  ссылки: Официальный сайт премии
  Международная премия в области дизайна и архитектуры
  Премия A' Design Award имеет более 100 различных категорий, среди которых архитектура, дизайн интерьера, дизайн мебели, дизайн упаковки и графический дизайн. Полный список номинаций можно посмотреть здесь. В конкурсе участвуют не только готовые проекты и продукты, уже вышедшие на рынок, но также концепции и прототипы. Задача премии – объединить на одной площадке дизайнеров, производителей, потребителей и прессу. Подать заявки на участие могут профессионалы в своей области, студенты и любители.

Источник: competition.adesignaward.com
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In a world where there are millions of products and designs launch each year, the award was born out of the desire to underline the best designs and well designed products. The award-winning products and designs are highlighted to the international public via the A' Design Award Gala-Night and Exhibition in Italy and they are communicated to all relevant press across the world.

The competition provides extensive and intense publicity to award winning designs, it is considered as a quality and high-return alternative to any advertising you might be running provided that you have a good design that could win the accolade.

The A' Design Award & Competition was developed after a scientific research study based on prior analysis of thousand other design competitions as well as ethnographic research and survey of over five-hundred designers and brands who take part in design competitions.

The mission of the A' Award and Competition is to provide a fair, ethical and competitive platform for companies, designers and innovators from all design fields with different experience levels, diverse disciplines and market focus to compete on, while providing them a global audience to showcase their success and talents to. The A' Award and Competition aims to act as blender; to bring together designers, companies and the press.


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