Премия отмечает лучшие достижения в области промышленного дизайна. Участвовать можно в двух категориях: продукт (товары, выпущенные на рынок не более двух лет назад) и концепт (инновационные дизайн-идеи). Всего – более 100 номинаций.
Goldreed Industrial Design Award (GIDA), is an international design award hosted by the Xiongan Future Industrial Design Institute and undertaken by Goldreed Industrial Design Award Organizing Committee. Committed to the Chinese philosophy of “harmony and peace”, GIDA perceives technological progress and social revolution from an eastern perspective, promotes a new direction of industrial development, creates a new way of social life In which symbiosis will be reached among man, nature and cities.
The award is dedicated to Designers, design teams, design studios, companies, universities and institutes from all countries and creative fields. If multiple parties are involved in the same product development (i.e. designer, company, etc.), make sure only one party registers and submits the entry only once. The same entry can only be submitted for one group in one category. The applicant must be the author of the submitted product or must hold the rights to the entries she or he is presenting. Participation is free of charge.