В этом году конкурс LAGI проводится совместно с Немецкой федеральной выставкой садоводства в Мангейме. Участникам предстоит создать лэнд-арт объект с использованием технологий возобновляемой энергии. Цель – поддержать курс на устойчивое развитие города и продемонстрировать возможности эстетичной интеграции утилитарной технологии в городское пространство.
The LAGI 2022 Mannheim design challenge brings together a number of themes and ideas for inspiration.
Just as a garden is a productive landscape for nourishment that also brings us joy and pleasure, how can our productive landscapes for energy also bring joy and pleasure to our communities?
How can renewable energy be integrated in beautiful ways into the city so that it is not some cold and utilitarian technology, but is instead an indispensable accessory, a statement of creative expression that we all desire to experience?
At the same time, how can we make these new technologies accessible to everyone so that the benefits of energy democratization are equitably shared?
LAGI 2022 Mannheim will expand the realm of the possible using existing clean energy technologies to create beautiful, sculptural modules that can plug into the smart post-carbon city.
We are seeking proposals that can exist simultaneously across a variety of scales—variations for a residential context or for a civic space that use modular components or scalable solutions. The goal is to open a window onto a world beyond carbon where quality of life and social equity have been vastly improved as a consequence of the energy transition.