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Конкурс контекстуальной архитектуры памяти Тургута Джансевера

премия международный открытый Архитектура
  dead-line подачи заявки: 20.01.2022
  дата объявления победителей: 22.02.2022
  дата награждения победителей: 22.02.2022
  страна: Турция
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  организатор: Antalya Kepez Municipality
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  The International Contextual Architecture Awards in memory of Architect Turgut Cansever
  Премия присуждается реализованным проектам, интерпретирующим принципы, которых придерживался в своей работе турецкий архитектор Тургут Джансевер – контекстуальность архитектуры, качество, культурная преемственность и т.д. Всего предусмотрено три награды – гран-при, международная и «местная» (за лучший проект, реализованный на территории Турции).

Источник: antmimod.org.tr
Antalya Kepez Municipality (in cooperation with and under the coordination of Antalya Branch of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey) has organized the “International Architecture Awards” in the name of architect Turgut Cansever (Antalya, 1921 – Istanbul, 2009).

The essential objective of the organization is to promote the spirit of Turgut Cansever, who is renowned for the wisdom, philosophical integrity, environmental and regional sensibilities manifested in his distinguished architectural works.

The organization aims to promote Cansever’s characteristic approach to architecture and urbanism at an international scale. The projects to be awarded have to exhibit original interpretations of the priorities of design underlying the architectural career of Turgut Cansever. These priorities can be defined as context specific design approach, architectural quality based upon sophistication of materials and a profound consciousness regarding multifaceted issues such as theoretical integrity, regional values, cultural continuity, humanist concerns and artistic sensibility.  The award recognizes the importance of local identity in a global world.

By accentuating the ongoing universal significance of the above mentioned values represented by Cansever’s architectural works, the organization also aims to improve cultural rapports between Turkey and other countries with regard to architectural culture.

The award is organized every year. Only realized projects whose construction has been completed can be submitted. All entries will be exposed in an exhibition. “The International  Contextual Architecture Awards in memory of Architect Turgut Cansever” are granted to the works selected by the jury. The award ceremony is held during the week of February 22, the anniversary of Turgut Cansever’s death.


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