Премия в области дизайна от iF International Forum Design
Премия проводится уже несколько десятилетий, призвана отметить выдающиеся дизайн-проекты в разных областях, подчеркнуть значимость дизайна для бизнеса и повседневной жизни. Работы можно подать в одну или несколько из девяти категорий – от дизайна интерьера до дизайна интерфейсов.
Every year, the iF DESIGN AWARD identifies outstanding design, its relevance for business and everyday life and awards one of the most important seals of quality in the world. Organized from Germany since 1953, the iF label is a reliable sign of good design for consumers as well as the design community.
Designers, manufacturers, architects and interior designers who want their products or projects evaluated by internationally recognized design experts have been turning to the iF DESIGN AWARD for decades. They do so to prove that their company puts design in the focus of its business and to attract international attention. Winning an iF DESIGN AWARD will help you stand out from the competition, elevate your branding and reach new target groups.